Crew recruiting


New member
9 Feb 2007
South Queensferry, Edinburgh
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I have run a few cruises recently, during 2007 actually, and have asked sailors to crew and they have had a good week with me . However, I am running short of the readies and cannot afford to fund the whole trip as before. In the past I have funded the transport to and fro and the food as well as the mooring fees and fuel.

What is it reasonable for me to expect crew members to pay as a contribution?

I am not aiming to make this a commercial operation but just to ensure I can fund the boat for some more years from my small pension.


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7 Jun 2007
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I would be upfront with people and explain that you are operating on a budget and if they can chip in towards the boat costs it would be most appreciated. You might find some of them are happy to help with maintenance in exchange for some seatime.
I had a friend of my brother's come aboard and help me but I had to stop him using a wood chiesel, he wasn't just taking old paint off, he was digging holes with it.
I think you might get into problems if you fix a standard set of charges.


Well-known member
12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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I have been more than happy, as crew, to pay my way in terms of covering my share of food, drink, transport to/from boat etc. Slightly different, but also OK by me, is the cost of the trip, e.g marina fees, fuel, etc.

Always felt a bit uncomfortable paying for the boat - items that seemed to be maintaining or upgrading the boat, including home mooring fees, new kit, fixing breakdowns on trip, etc. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to be doing so, but i think it needs a bit more care, thought and discussion between those iinvolved.

Yes, crew is getting benefit of boat, but owner's getting benefit of crew. If I'd wanted to charter I would have done so. If I could afford to run a boat I would have done so . (I do now, but most of this crewing was done when either desperately short of money (to an extent many boatowners wouldn't understand), or trying to save for my own boat. Was happy to help maintain the boat with my skills and time (during trip or before/after ), but uncomfortable contributing dosh.

Of course others will see it differently.


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2 Sep 2006
East Midlands
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Various mates have come and sailed with me over the years. We normally share transport cost (310 mile round trip in car) and share food and marina cost. Cost of running the boat (including fuel) are down to me.

I ahve been happy with this arrangement and so have they.

Son (25) regulasrly crews on boats through this web site and others and expects to get to and from boat (including abroad on last occasion) at own cost but to share food costs and marinas. If he dosn't like the cost sharing basis he dosn't go.


New member
30 Jul 2005
Tied up away from the storm. Oh yes.
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I've always split the direct running costs of the trip; stuff like the food, any fuel and marina/harbour charges. As the boat as a whole decides on where we go, this is only fair. I have never expected maintenance to be done, or for visiting crew to pay towards normal wear and tear, but if they stupidly break or lose something (I think this is classed as Barratry on the insurance), I make it clear that they can replace it at the start if the trip. I've never had any problems.

People can get themselves to and from the boat at their own convenience, so i don't interfere with that.


New member
4 Jun 2005
I'm in London / Boat in Solent
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I've only recently had my own boat but in the past I would expect to pay my own way to get to any boat I was invited to crew on, share all food, booze, marina and fuel costs of the trip. Would sometimes buy the boat a small "present" or take owner/s out for a meal ashore.


New member
16 Mar 2006
Maidstone Kent
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I agree totally with last, I have crewed extensively from Medway up and down east coast and a trip to and fro the Baltic. Crew and skipper divide food booze marina and fuel costs. And as stated a treat for the boat /skipper. I have always been more than happy with this arrangement to ensure a good sail and a good time.