
Irish Rover

Well-known member
5 Feb 2017
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I posted a couple of weeks ago about a big increase in my insurance premium from Allianz Türkiye. I did some shopping around including from with whom I'd been in touch last year. Without going into too much detail I arranged a policy with them yesterday and paid the premium plus an endorsement fee to reflect the fact my boat is in Türkiye and my area of operation. All good and I got the policy etc plus an email which referred me to "the agreed terms and conditions" by way of a link. Being the careful chap I am I actually read same t&c's and came across a section which said
"Boats covered
We only cover privately owned Irish boats. Your boat must be kept or moored in accordance with the territorial scope and terms of your Policy."
So is my boat an Irish boat? Good question. Irish owned with a Turkish flag. Initially I thought - surely they'd have asked for details of the flag state if it was an issue. Then I thought better be sure, remove the doubt. So this morning I called the craftinsure one-man-band guy, Paul, in Ireland and asked the question. He wasn't sure and said he'd have to check it. Came back to me this evening and said they only cover Irish registered boats or boats without registration which are Irish owned. He said he had to cancel my policy and refund my premium. Paul is a nice guy and I have no gripe with him but I did point out that the wording of their T&C's is extremely ambiguous and needs to be more clear.
Sorry for the long post but I know some forumites are insured with Craftinsure UK and if any of you have non UK registration you may need to check your cover.

Irish Rover

Well-known member
5 Feb 2017
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I saw another thread posted yesterday about the importance of reading your insurance policy and conditions carefully and I'd strongly endorse that advice. Another aspect of the Craftinsure policy which caught my attention was a section headed "You have agreed" which listed various conditions none of which were raised or mentioned prior to paying for the policy including

"If “Irish Rover” is over 20 years old and over 23ft in length, you have in your possession a survey report not more than five years old from a qualified surveyor,with all recommendations complied with".

As I said this aspect didn't arise at quotation stage and was just included in the policy. My boat is 2003 so when does it go over 20 years old. Anniversary of completion,sale, launch, registration. I don't know but, more importantly, I wouldn't even be aware of the need for a survey if I didn't read the policy wording.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Insured my latest boat with Craftinsure.
The boat had a survey commissioned 6 months earlier by the seller in order to get the boat insured.
The survey revealed urgent work required on all the seacocks and stern glands.
Boat built in 2000.
Contacted Craftinsure prior to purchase to ask if they wanted sight of any survey as a condition to provide cover for the trip back home.
They stated they did not want a copy but should any claim be made in the future they may require a copy of the survey and proof by way of invoices that all the recommended work had been carried out.

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