Correlation between boatbuilding and politicians

How much can boatbuilders' order books be affected by whatever government is in charge?

  • Massively

  • To a somewhat relevant extent

  • Not one iota

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24 Sep 2023
Italy - Switzerland
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... ..... We will have to agree to disagree on this .

Feels like I have done this to death . Let’s wait and see in 2025 what happens.

I am off to Switzerland for the next 3 months winter sporting .
I will pop back in here occasionally time permitting guys .

Cheers all .
Well - over the last weeks, we got good snow conditions around the alps: take your time and also have fun with a good "Kaffi - Schnapps" around a ski-pub ... :)

I hope for the serious time to come, that some UK builders find thier way for good quality and proven design.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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Please elaborate on the "For example"
As a UK resident and before the B-Word came into force, I had a new car of British manufacture built to my spec to comply with the Belgian traffic laws, I was given options by the dealer of registering it in the UK for export which would allow me to use the car for up to 3 months in the UK then it had to be shipped out of the UK I would not pay VAT or car tax on the vehicle then, and having to pay the VAT, import tax and car tax to get it on the road in country of destination. Directly exporting it to Belgium and paying the car tax and BTW (VAT) there, or registering it for use in the UK and paying car tax and VAT in the UK. I opted for the later and used the car as a Brit exercising his freedom of movement, saving myself around £6,000 in the purchase of the vehicle.

Many years later...

Come 29/12/20 I had Belgian residency and I imported the car to Belgium paying €1,790 to register the car, that included the cost of getting the car modified into making it a light goods vehicle. Yearly road tax for my car would be slightly over €2k, and as a light goods it is now only €180 That loophole got closed on 1/1/2021 so no more light goods converted vehicles.