

New member
12 Nov 2002
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It has been reported by the French Foreign Minister that last weekends attempted invasion by a large number of “Roast Biffs” was repelled.

In a statement issued by the French Foreign Ministry quote,

A large armada of small British ships was seen to enter Cherbourg Harbour last weekend; local restaurateurs, police and the National Guard were put on high alert. Known sailing/fashion terrorists were seen amongst the crews, in particular the French Police were interested in trying to identify the ringleaders. It did not go un-noticed that a large proportion of the vessels fragrantly breeched flag etiquette by flying reds and defaced blues, whereas not a single EU daisy chain flag was seen.
A report has been sent to the British Foreign Minister, but as of yet, this has not been answered as the minister in question is out on a works beano to Brighton.

When Jack Straw was asked by Jeremy Paxman to comment on this incident he said that the Government took these incidents very seriously and would immediately appoint a government quango to investigate it, speak with Gordon Brown to see if there was anyway it could be taxed and also ask HM C & E if VAT could be added. He also added that anyone that owned a boat should be considered as a rich boat owner and as such; expect to pay through the nose for the privilege of invading our EU neighbours.

Paxman then pressed him on Government policy towards (rich) boat owners and he revelled that the government was seriously considering a similar system to that which will apply to car drivers i.e. a GPS tracking system will be used to alert the authorities to the whereabouts of any given vessel and a mileage charge will apply and that although the charge has not yet been set, he would expect it to be between 10p and £1.20 / nm, but he will wait for the Quango (made up of left wing/non boat owning townies) to decide the best solution.

He also added that the same quango was looking into the whole question of British Citizens leisure time as this was considered by the current government to be surplus to requirements. The main aim of the government was to achieve a situation where British Citizens worked 7 days a week (with a 6 hour/day break for sleeping) gave all their earnings to the treasury and then the treasury would by a means tested formula give back some hard earned cash to allow subsistence living. Activities such as Fishing, hunting, playing sport, boat owning, watching TV (unless political content) were deemed frivolous.

I could go on?

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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Very good; but I think this is only half the story.

In a separate press release, the UK Health and Safety Executive noted that a large group of yachtsmen, including some who were clearly from "vulnerable" groups (including tinned pie addicts, aficionados of long-keeled yachts, and intravenous cauliflower users) had set off on what was plainly a perilous undertaking, without conducting the necessary risk assessments and with no clear environmental policies in place.

An inspector from the H&SE had visited some of the ringleaders on their return to the UK and asked to see copies of this documentation, only to be told that the rules of "Farquaugh Jummie" applied to the venture (this is believed to be an ancient, and virtually moribund piece of Scottish legislation, covering the conduct of meetings between members of the public and Government officials).

The inspectors also noted that no equal opportunities audit appeared to have been conducted, although it was encouraging to see that many of the participants had been selected from minority groups, including the vulnerable (as above) and battered husbands, seeking temporary sanctuary from the relentless marital violence of their everyday lives and the consequent attrition of their wallets (runs for cover/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif).

The inspectors commented that enquiries were ongoing and that someone would have to pay.

<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho