NM = nautical mile - the required separation distance between two people arguing over a different interpretation of the Colregs. It also equates to No Message which strangely enough is also the distance between two people arguing about a different interpretation of the Colregs.
I reckon the Colregs only matter in two easily defined situations: 1. Hitting something and 2. Not hitting something.
Apart from that pretty pointless really.
As to what they are: They are the distance between two people arguing over different interpretations of the Colregs.
<hr width=100% size=1>Nickel
Being paranoid simply means - having all the facts.
Thanks for the clarification which is helpfulish. But are the two people argueing called Colin and Reginald or doesn't it matter (very much)? There's a Colin in the Office. Should I hit him?
That only applies if you are under control. Otherwise you can hoist two black balls and if you hit him, it's his fault. I did try this but I don't have two black balls.
Ok, he's got two black balls now. There's a bloke been standing around the photocopier for ages. Dunno what he's up to. Shall I whack him 5 times so he makes his intentions clear?
I think if you produce two short farts and one long one you can pass him to port. Unless he is racing, in which case he may get abusive for leaving him in your disturbed wind.
You should stand about i think, and if colin (or reginald) hits your stanchions, then there's definitely a risk of collison, and of course then they've hit you, and the rules don't say you can't punch them after that, so it's okay.
If someone hits your boat ever, best thing is to point to the middle cleats and refer to them as "rowlocks", which means you are always ok.