I am looking to buy an older 14' fibre glass boat with a 50HP on it. ARe these motors any good? How fast will this go? Will it pull up a 120lb. person?? THanks.
It all depends on what type of hull the boat has. If it's a displacement hull, it will go slower than a semi-displacement or planing hull.
50hp on some semi-displacements, and most planing hulls will give enough speed and power to water ski ( I think that's what you mean by pull up a 120lb person). In a 14' boat, you'd probably want to be doing water-skiing on an inland lake, or flat conditions on coast. 14' boats tend to leap around a bit at speed if there are any waves, and controlling the boat when skiiing is a safety thing.
<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide
The spares for these are notoriously difficult. I would recommend pricing the boat as you would one without an outboard. As regards speed, what is the boat, make etc. I can give you an accurate guesstimation then.
Years ago I had a 12'6 speedboat with a 45hp Chrysler, lovely smooth engine, but for some reason it seemed to eat fuel more than any other outboard I've known. I think to be honest these engines are getting a bit long in the tooth!
The boat is a 14' fibreglass North Craft "V" hull with a 50HP Chrysler engine. IT comes with a spare prop. He said the boat was hardly used but he still winterized it and changed all the oil regularly. It hasnt run for 3 years and when we went to see it it started rite up. The motor sounds really smooth, he removed the motor cowl and the engine was spotless. Sounds like a nice boat to me, what do you think?? It needs the interior cleaned alittle and the outside of the boat has been hand painted, it is now peeling off. SO it needs paint and some interior work. ALso, he said he has pulled people up on skis before.
Bill Higham Marine in hlb's neck of the woods stock spares for Chyslers. An underrated engine were Chryslers. A good torquey lump for their size. They always seemed to be bigger capacity for the horsepower than other lumps.
Yes that will pull a skier no problem. Agree other comments about Chrysler motors. Some parts are availalbe from dealers who look after Force Outboards, because some Force motors are (were) rebadged Chryslers. Depending on how good the trailer is, this lot sounds worth about £495 ono.
The trailor is in excellent shape and the tires are like brand new. The motor runs so smooth. I cant wait to put it in the water. Anyone know how fast this will go approx??
At a guess, probably around 25 - 30kts. Take a handheld gps to find out.
Just a word of caution, don't stray too far offshore just in case the engine dies, maybe go in company or take a spare small outboard or paddles, carry an anchor, lifejackets etc.
knots is miles per hour rite?? And dont worry i will definitly have company with me and paddles until i am definite the motor is in great working comdition before any major trips.
Hey Chris, can we have some more pics of your boat on its trailer please? I'm still in awe of that one taken nr Wigan. I still think it is THE rig. Praps one of it progressing along Lord St in Southport or something?
Had a bitch of a job getting the trailer out of my drive last week. Being considerably heavier than Polar Fox was the flags in the parking area had subsided somewhat over the winter though the axles had been supported on sleepers, meaning that the boat took a lurch to Starboard when on wheels again. No matter what I did I could not avoid the starboard bow touching the side of the garage as I pulled it forward the first few feet.Ended up taking end section of guttering off to avoid damage.
Think I took a couple of photos at the boatyard before launching, so when I get time I'll put another one on the forum for you. Everything is perfectly balanced and it tows like a dream, just a little bit big though. Launching was fun too, fully submersible tractor required. Think I may have gone slightly OTT for a "Trailboat", but it feels worth it when in the water, specially now that I have the autopilot and heating fitted.
By my calculations with the correct propeller and with a 50HP (about 35hp at the prop) you should get a maximum of 27 knots. You will be able to pull a skier but someone heavyweight may have a problem coming up on a mono ski so you might have to pull them up on two and they drop one when up.
Chryslers were not bad engines, smooth and around average reliability. But, spares are quite difficult to get hold of. And they drink fuel. Boy are they thirsty. Being of American make where fuel is much more plentiful and a whole lot cheaper, 'Chrysler' and 'fuel economy' are two concepts that have no relation to each other....