Dear All,
Just a quick post to say that Maplin have got 12 volt to 240 volt 150Watt inverters on special for £19.99 (reduced from £40ish) at www.maplin.co.uk. I'm not associated with maplin in any way, just thought it was a good bargain buy for fellow boaters -I'll be able to use my laptop on board now ! They come with a cigar lighter type plug, then a 240volt socket on the inverter unit itself, looks like quite a tidy unit.
Nick B.
Just a quick post to say that Maplin have got 12 volt to 240 volt 150Watt inverters on special for £19.99 (reduced from £40ish) at www.maplin.co.uk. I'm not associated with maplin in any way, just thought it was a good bargain buy for fellow boaters -I'll be able to use my laptop on board now ! They come with a cigar lighter type plug, then a 240volt socket on the inverter unit itself, looks like quite a tidy unit.
Nick B.