Charity Event, 'Pirates of the Solent'


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7 Sep 2006
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Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Can anyone help with our Charity event this year?

(This is not a commercial post, purely Charity, AT Sailing are not earning out of this)


A new, exciting and unique charity event with the emphasis on fun and frolics, which is open to all, irrelevant of your level of sailing experience. You can take part on your own and make friends and new ship-mates, or take part as a ‘motley crew’ of scallywags by bringing your friends. The weekend is full of 'high-seas trading', 'cut-throat' play and 'cannon' battles.

The emphasis is will be on raising money and awareness for The Cardiomyopathy Association, an extremely worthy heart charity. Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle and is often inherited. It is the largest cause of sudden death in the under 35’s in the UK, but if diagnosed can be treated.

So, by the end of the weekend you could end up a crusty old pirate, you ‘might’ be lighter in pocket, but you’ll ‘definitely’ be happier in heart!

Friday 29th:
Friday plays host to a swashbuckling welcome at 'Landers', Haslar Marina, Gosport. Sailors and their land-lubber guests are all welcome. Along with a welcome drink and meal, there will be a light-hearted general knowledge quiz, making a great way to meet your new pirate ship-mates.

Saturday 30th:
Saturday … Avast me hearties … Hoist the sails high...
Teams set off at intervals from Haslar Marina for a water-borne chase around the Solent, navigating a set course, with the object of over-hauling the enemy forcing them to ‘strike their colours’ and relinquish their treasure. Not only will your crew be enjoying a fun, themed event on the water but they will be learning race tactical skills, as over-hauling the enemy will involve getting close enough to fire ‘cannonballs’ into your rival’s boat.

After re-grouping at lunch time, we will sail as a fleet up the Medina to muster at The Folly Inn where capers will continue throughout the evening where there will be food, entertainment and a few surprises thrown in. Be prepared: The Folly is not for the fainthearted as it can be very lively and vibrant in the best, homegrown sense, with a mix of ages, types and classes in a distinctive atmosphere.

If having a good time, letting your hair down and dancing on the tables is your thing, then 'Pirates of the Solent' at The Folly Inn is the place to be, if not, maybe its time to give it a go!

Sunday 1st July:
Sunday … Shiver me timbers… After recovering from ‘the night before’ … and enjoying a hearty breakfast … the fun continues with a ‘Le-Mans’ style mini-race back to Haslar Marina where there will be a final closing ceremony and prize-giving in Landers.

Each yacht can accommodate teams of six,

for further information email:

Thanks for taking the time to read, please visit the website for full details.



Again this is not a commercial event, everything earned is going to The Cardiomyopathy Association.


New member
21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Thank you all that have taken the time to read this post,

and thanks T25 for the PM telling me it's on here!

Having a great response from the corporate market, including industry suppliers, and the media wanting to do features on Tina and her niece and nephew, the children of her brother who died from this condition.

Anyway, it's shaping up to be a great weekend, /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Sounds like a bit of fun and a worthy cause, now let me see, why shouldnt I have a go?

mmm, can't think of anything. OK count me in.


New member
21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Is there really no other interest for joining in on this event?

I would love to see a load of YBWer's out there having a meet, and having a giggle on the Solent, and assisting Tina in raising funds for this well deserving Association.

Looking forward to seeing you out there,

Al. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Active member
24 Aug 2005
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

It would appear not Al , shame really , far as I can see it's a very worthwhile cause

Anyone got any comments as to why they haven't said anything ??

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

I share your disappointment, many of the forum contributors will be out on the water that weekend anyway, no doubt. OK there is a joining fee, but it does include a lot of the costs any weekend sailing, berthing and eating would notch up.

It sounds like a real fun weekend, and a weekend sailing with a whole load of other boats and crew, making new friends, always adds to the enjoyment.

In addition to the sailing, raising money for a deserving charity, doing what we all love is always going to be worth while.


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24 Aug 2005
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Maybe it's just the nature of the South coast boater to be non charitable , as you say , the costs aren't that different to the normal costs of a weekend aboard anyway . I seem to remember another call for help on the South coast being virtually ignored too


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18 Mar 2004
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

It sounds like great fun and we would probably be up for it (on our own boat with crew) but we will be away on holiday which is why I didn't reply.

Also, I don't know where you normally go boating but we never spend anything like £500 for 2 people boating for a whole week, never mind a weekend!


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24 Aug 2005
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

I go wherever the owner of the boat wants to go till I get mine in the water /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif, but for charity events I do my best to support them when I can , it's not unusual to see me at the bi-annual black tie ball held locally in aid of children with leukemia , and I donate whatever I can afford at the time


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7 Sep 2006
East Coast
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'


I feel I have to comment, to avoid confusion for others, because when you say £500 for 2 people, I have to agree yes it does sound a lot of money. However, I do feel the need to put into perspective what you also gain out of the weekend.

Firstly, for people using their own boat, the costings are based on 4 crew not just 2, which equates to £125 per person; (compared to £250 per person to join on one of our yachts).

Not many people, I'm sure, could say that;

- 2 days of fun packed sailing, enjoying sailing with a new group of people all wanting to have a fab time;
- berthing costs;
- welcome drinks, meal and entertainment for both Friday and Saturday nights;
- Yacht pack including flags & banners etc
- plus goodies, keep-sakes and surprises;

all equating to £125 per person is not 'value for money'.

Especially combined with the 'feel good factor' of helping to generate awareness, help other families and potentially saving lives.

Myself, Al and all at AT Sailing Ltd are not making a penny out of this event. We are desperately trying to get all costs covered by sponsorship (incidentally, thanks to those of you who have already pledged support), because the more we can get sponsored, the more we can pass on to directly to the charity.

So I can assure you there's no profit to be made here.

I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you in support for this event. I have PM'd Keith with regards to getting a specific YBW group together to join in on this event. If anyone is at all interested but wants to know more, please feel free to contact me.

You never know when you may need help - from any charity - so why not start with helping the CMA (The Cardiomyopathy Association).

/forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif Tina /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif xx

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'


Just to make sure I understand, that is, berth at Haslar with welcome drinks, supper, welcome drinks at the Folly plus berthing and and all the goodies and banners for the boats, all for £125 per person?


New member
21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'


She's already left for the South Coast!

Via Police HQ that is!!!!

I'll ask her to PM you on Tuesday when she returns.

All the best Steve



New member
21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Did you get the e-mail Steve ?

Tina has received gifts for auction from many businesses including SEMS, Gil, CRS Marine, Tesco's ...........

It's shaping up to being a fantastic weekend, had a bit of a trail run at The Folly Inn this weekend, Andy still runs a fun establishment there!

Dancing on the tables still has a place for seafarers to have fun and games!!!

Thanks to Jane aswell for her offer of assistance, it's much appreciated. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif




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24 Aug 2005
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Sounds fair enough to me and I'm sure others are in the same position , I just hope they're getting more support elsewhere , I know Tina has some special reasons for trying to do this and deserves all the support she can get , she's one very brave lady but isn't the sort to go talking about herself


New member
21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Cheers Dave,

You're right, Tina has got reasons for working hard for the CMA.

Her Brother, Stewart, was thirty-five years old. He went to bed one night, his three year old son in the room next door, his wife beside him, five months pregnant with their second child, and he never awoke.

Tina received a phone call at 0320 this particular morning from her sister in-law saying she couldn't wake Stewart and that she thought he had stopped breathing. Tina, being Tina, got dressed and ran the two minutes, Heybridge Basin isn't that big, to her brothers house and found him slumped and none responsive.
She worked on him for 20 minutes before the Ambulance arrived. This is a feat in itself, if you have ever had the need to administer CPR you will know what I mean!

Stewart was only 35 years old, a very fit bloke, a very talented shipwright, and a extremely keen sailor.

One of the last launches that he built and designed is at Seaview Yacht Club on the Ilse of Wight.

Tina had had a lot of trauma over the previous few years, and she had a fair bit to come aswell!

Tina has raised close to £100,00:00 for different charity's over the last seven years, some national and some local.

Part of the fund raising for the CMA is to help with Genetic Screening for this condition. She has been screened, and has been found to have this Gene.
She has survived operations for cancer three times, and we have now found out that she has this Gene. She also is fit, playing Basket Ball from the age of 11, and has played at County level, Captain of the ladies team for over ten years! She is a fantastic sailor.

This lady always has a smile on her chops, is always there for others, and will not let anyone fuss around her.

She has a huge heart and I believe it is a heart of gold.

You know what Dave, 1 in 500 people have this Gene and are totally oblivious to it! 4 young people every week die from this condition! So yes she, and I, and all those who have come to know Tina, are committed to assist her in her quest to save other people having to have to go through the awful pain of losing a loved one at an early age.

God, got me on a bit of a roll then Mate, sorry to blab.

I have asked Keith if YBW would like to get involved and put a team in for the Pirates of the Solent Weekend, or at least fly their banner of support on the day, but I guess it must have to go to a committee before any decision can be made, 'cause we haven't heard from him yet!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I am sure we will,

Sorry for rabbiting,



Active member
24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'

Sorry to bring it all back Al , but I just thought people should know , hope Tina's okay with me bringing it up

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Charity Event, \'Pirates of the Solent\'


I know what you mean, at work and at home we constantly get asked for contributions to charity and charitable events. I'm sure the two charities you support are extremely worthy. Its good to hear someone confirm their support for some charity.

Having done some work through my business for a large national charity, it may come as no surprise to hear that huge, disgusting amounts of money get wasted on admin and the constant re-branding some biggest charities undergo. It just so happens that the charities with the biggest advertising budgets, the ones that can shout the loudest, get the most money.

To get money to the people that count, IMO it is often best to support small local charities and events. Charities where still most of the management is done by people on a voluntary basis. These small charities have a hell of a job on their hands getting a slice of peoples well meaning contributions.

There may be many reasons why people cannot support Tina and her campaign, but there are also many many more out there who can and would be willing to help, but just need to read the message. Spread the word.