Well-known member
If I understand correctly, this is a permanent alteration, not a movable one like I was proposing?
Sounds extremely useful, certainly for a boat destined primarily for long distance passage making rather than short tacking.
It is entirely practicable to fit an attachment into your mastwall on the nose, a few feet above the existing babystay tang, and hang an inner stay from that to your preferred position further forward ( provided there's sufficient resistance provided to avoid lifting the deck ). This new inner stay can be readily detachable, top and/or bottom.
The noted riggers AllSpars conferred and advised, and provided me with one of these Selden T-Terminal mastwall backing plates, in size 7 - probably your optimum size. Easily fitted..... There are heftier models, for heftier tasks.

Into the backing plate is hooked the chosen Selden T-Terminal with rigging wire attached. My choice was 'Fork' but there are variants, including a T-Ring for a Dyneema stay. Your rigger will advise.

You wouldn't need to remove your existing babystay - until you decided it was redundant - but the above would most likely meet your needs. The MOA wil be able to give further chapter and verse.