Captain Calamitys


Active member
28 Mar 2005
As an alleged doomsayer, let me propose what could go wrong this week. Assuming they are less than prudent they may see Thursday/Friday as a weather window, F5 WSW. They will leave Hayle at 1200 or so and beat their way down to the end, hopefully decide outside the Longships is best, but then there's the TSS, now in the dark. See any possibilities for problems? Thought not. Once round the Runnelston they would have a fair run to wherever they care to go on the south coast. After Saturday forget it, gales and a 35 ft swell forecast

Bumma -

that is such a shame assuming the reports are accurate

on my journey around the UK I have met a few blokes who have tried to sneak into ports without consulting the authorities, avoided paying and then sneaked out again.

They seem to forget that harbourmasters have each others emails so word of a poor payer moves along the coast ahead of them.

I was treated with some suspicion when I was traveling with the slug - she did not look like a rich persons boat so I was keen to flash the cash and get my debit card swiped as soon as I arrived anywhere.

Once people see you have money and are prepared to part with it people are much nicer - but the slug was so ugly they would always park me in the further reaches of the marina out of site

Once I got the Minstrel with its gunter rig and wooden spars everything changed and I would be placed in prime positions.

The Centaur is the dullest boat in Britain - so they shove you in anywhere.

It must be an uncomfortable place to be parked up against the wall

I do hope this story ends well


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16 May 2001
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If they could make a TV show of someone teaching that woman who'd failed her driving test a gazillion times to drive, there must surely be potential in making a TV show (or something on an Internet TV channel even?) teaching him to sail.

But I believe the woman in question understood that she wasn't competent and wanted to learn, neither of which apply to our CC.


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31 Dec 2007
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My mate has just been round, he fishes from Hayle. The guy has made himself unpopular, helping himself to kit from the boatbuilder and other fishermen, and has reduced several very mild and usually helpful people to swearing. They were issued with 6 month visas in Shetland, these have expired. When they arrived the local boatbuilder turned out to help, arranged someones mooring for them to use, told them how to moor safely, got told they knew their stuff, then four hours later saw the mast suddenly go over as she fell away from the quay. Sense of entitlement seems to be a problem.

The trouble is you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Sadly I think this will may end badly


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10 Apr 2006
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Dylan, I arrived at Fisherrow and the HM rushed up to tell me of the debt I owed for unpaid fees. Unfortunately the debt was not mine but the previous owner (deceased).

Not your usual Scottish welcome.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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You've never heard of the grocer's apostrophe's?


Sorry Pete but my eddercashun was limited. Anyway, I see from a wiki comment "The term is believed to have been coined in the middle of the 20th century by a teacher of languages working in Liverpool" that it was coined after my schooling was finished.
Down here in Sussex, my village greengrocer knows exactly where to keep his apostrophes......