Captain Calamitys


Active member
28 Mar 2005
Not even by American news networks? Ever? Not even "expenses" or "licensing"? Good Morning America for example?

Regardless of interview fees they've had an awful lot of exposure in both europe and the US in a short time. In the hands of a publicity agent surely that's marketing gold?


he might have got a cup of coffee out of them

they will sometimes offer expenses but since the networtks went to see them then they will have nowt.

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Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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Quite agree. Any of you guys down in Cornwall got any positive suggestions? I think it is likely that advice or physical assistance is better than just money.

They might accept physical assistance, although frankly in this case I don't see why anyone would offer it. But advice? They've already demonstrated a powerful resistance to that.

10 Jan 2016
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Doesn't the 'Practical Boat Owner' team have some 'previous' on refurbing manky old boats? And don't they have nothing on at present? D'you think Someone Important at IPC could persuade them there's a good story here, and they ought to get stuck in.

Wouldn't that Graham Snooks fellow just love a few days in wildest West Cornwall, photo-archiving all that's not good about the old 'Nora', ready for a 'Then And Now' edition.....?


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15 Nov 2004
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The various boats I was on with eberspachers had the things professionally fitted; ' incredibly effective & virtually ' silent my arse !

Not much warmth, sucked the domestic batteries dry and whined all night !

- Hang on, this sounds like ex-SWMBO...:)

2 ebers and 1 webasto - not as quiet as an oil filled radiator, but don't require mains hookup, can run all night quite happily disconnected from the mains and perfectly reliable thank you.
Knock them if you like - but a candle will not heat the place to the same degree... a candle may be nice and romatic, but I'd rather have a warm vessel first.


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16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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For the people on board, maybe. For the people round about, less so. But hey, we all like spending our evenings in a haze of diesel exhaust, so what's a bit of noise.

The key is "properly installed". The heaters on my boats have been virtually silent - outside as well as inside.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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The various boats I was on with eberspachers had the things professionally fitted; ' incredibly effective & virtually ' silent my arse !

Not much warmth, sucked the domestic batteries dry and whined all night !

- Hang on, this sounds like ex-SWMBO...:)

The key is "properly installed". The heaters on my boats have been virtually silent - outside as well as inside.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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Nope you're all wrong - these clowns have had their 30 seconds of fame and are now bona fide celebs?

New Year's Honours List 2017 and later in Rome: "Arise Sir Calamity, The Marquess of Misfortune and His Unholy Messiness, successor of the Prince of Apostles"


Well-known member
2 Dec 2005
Far S. Cornwall
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They need sponsors.
I'm afraid the next few miles will be trying for them, with possibilities for an unfortunate outcome. Exposed to winds from all points, Pendeen, Longships, Runnelstone all offer challenges if they are as careless as portrayed. However, they got this far.
One thing would worry me in the long term; the way the paint has peeled off suggests the hull may have been varnished previously. Paint over varnish not very good.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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They need sponsors.
I'm afraid the next few miles will be trying for them, with possibilities for an unfortunate outcome. Exposed to winds from all points, Pendeen, Longships, Runnelstone all offer challenges if they are as careless as portrayed. However, they got this far.
One thing would worry me in the long term; the way the paint has peeled off suggests the hull may have been varnished previously. Paint over varnish not very good.

I agree with your worries about the hazards ahead. Obviously they have been headstrong and casual in the past and have got into some scrapes. I worry that the Cornish coastline ahead is notoriously difficult and unforgiving and that the next effort will end in tragedy. Is it not worthwhile for some of you locals to go and talk some sense into their heads?


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6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Are you saying that exposure in a quirky story on major news outlets in the UK and US including a spot on Good Morning America isn't saleable?

Imagine Mr. Shapiro as a brand ambassador for Fray Bentos, pictured tucking into a pie:

"I've made a few mistakes while exploring Britain but this isn't one of them..."

Or are you secretly trying to deflect attention whilst holding out for the job yourself?:

"Only one thing warms me up as much as a flower pot heater"

[EDIT: Note to Maurice and Charles: I'm currently available for freelance work. Don't let the systems security stuff on my CV put you off, I was born to do this...]
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Robert Wilson

Well-known member
23 May 2012
Second Coast, Ross-shire, overlooking Gruinard Bay
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They need sponsors.
I'm afraid the next few miles will be trying for them, with possibilities for an unfortunate outcome. Exposed to winds from all points, Pendeen, Longships, Runnelstone all offer challenges if they are as careless as portrayed. However, they got this far.
One thing would worry me in the long term; the way the paint has peeled off suggests the hull may have been varnished previously. Paint over varnish not very good.

Please don't let this be a thread drift.
Having been lucky to round Land's End southwards last May, in pretty great conditions, especially an un-rippled turn round Runnelstones - what are the potential dangers/nasties about Runnelstones?
Just asking.


Active member
28 Mar 2005
people love bigging up their own local hazards

I am sure that the rocks and stuff around the west country are no worse than those around scotland, the Farnes or the the ever shifting sands of wells bar.

If I had a dodgy stolen outboard motor for every time I have been told by some quaking local that I am surely going to die if I sail to a place they claim to know well and fear then I would have a container of stolen outboards to export to spain for the local fishermen to use.

As for mr Shapiro making massive amounts of cash money from eating Fray Bentos pies..... I love the fantasy world being dreamed up in this thread..... but that is not the way the media works any more.

There is no money it for these old blokes.... just long threads in forums and people laughing at them from the safety of thier own laptops sitting in front of the sofa.

This is an old bloke in mourning trying to forget that his life time partner has gone.

A crane out or a pontoon with power is what this old bloke needs and a good friend who understand what it is like to lose a wife to talk to.



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17 Dec 2003
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If I had a dodgy stolen outboard motor for every time I have been told by some quaking local that I am surely going to die if I sail to a place they claim to know well and fear then I would have a container of stolen outboards to export to spain for the local fishermen to use.

As ever Dylan you make some good points, but this one is doubtful.

I remember once in a reservoir south of Dublin during the 80s. A young family was warned by a local sailor not to go out kayaking due to the river being in spate. It was a balmy spring day, yet the mountain water was freezing. Police were alerted by the family a few hours later and fortunately the daughter and mum were found sunburnt but OK. Everyone helped in the ensuing search until the dad and his son were eventually found. Both had drowned.

Lot's of lessons here. Though I'm not sure ignoring "quaking locals" is one of them.
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Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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As for mr Shapiro making massive amounts of cash money from eating Fray Bentos pies..... I love the fantasy world being dreamed up in this thread..... but that is not the way the media works any more.

There is no money it for these old blokes.... just long threads in forums and people laughing at them from the safety of thier own laptops sitting in front of the sofa.

This is an old bloke in mourning trying to forget that his life time partner has gone.

A crane out or a pontoon with power is what this old bloke needs and a good friend who understand what it is like to lose a wife to talk to.


1 Aug 2011
Maybe in a boat next to you?
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people love bigging up their own local hazards

I am sure that the rocks and stuff around the west country are no worse than those around scotland, the Farnes or the the ever shifting sands of wells bar.

If I had a dodgy stolen outboard motor for every time I have been told by some quaking local that I am surely going to die if I sail to a place they claim to know well and fear then I would have a container of stolen outboards to export to spain for the local fishermen to use.

As for mr Shapiro making massive amounts of cash money from eating Fray Bentos pies..... I love the fantasy world being dreamed up in this thread..... but that is not the way the media works any more.

There is no money it for these old blokes.... just long threads in forums and people laughing at them from the safety of thier own laptops sitting in front of the sofa.

This is an old bloke in mourning trying to forget that his life time partner has gone.

A crane out or a pontoon with power is what this old bloke needs and a good friend who understand what it is like to lose a wife to talk to.


Very moving Dylan :encouragement:


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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There is no money it for these old blokes.... just long threads in forums and people laughing at them from the safety of thier own laptops sitting in front of the sofa.

Nobody's laughing *at* anyone. Some people have been critical. Some people have been sympathetic. Nobody's been mocking. Exploiting the wide media coverage in the UK and US to get repairs and additional training sponsored is a serious suggestion. I sympathise that you haven't made money out of your films proportional to the care and love put in, but this isn't about the honest remuneration from the cultured end of the media spectrum: it's about a guy in a bad situation with 15 quirky minutes in the *global* spotlight who might, with the help of someone who does that kind of thing, be able to leverage that to turn a bad situation around and ultimately achieve his goal.


Active member
28 Mar 2005
Nobody's laughing *at* anyone. Some people have been critical. Some people have been sympathetic. Nobody's been mocking. Exploiting the wide media coverage in the UK and US to get repairs and additional training sponsored is a serious suggestion. I sympathise that you haven't made money out of your films proportional to the care and love put in, but this isn't about the honest remuneration from the cultured end of the media spectrum: it's about a guy in a bad situation with 15 quirky minutes in the *global* spotlight who might, with the help of someone who does that kind of thing, be able to leverage that to turn a bad situation around and ultimately achieve his goal.

have it your way then....



13 Nov 2011
Bodmin Moor, Cornwall
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Your post here is very understandable, and perhaps as you suggest, their boat should be craned-out (for the Winter?). But there are costs involved, let alone storage of the boat. It may not even be possible in Hayle, which would mean setting off again, perhaps under escort, but then it would probably have to be around Land's end.

I'm surprised that no one in 'authority' - unless I have missed it somewhere - has offered to go aboard and see just what safety equipment they have. So far they seem to have been fortunate that 'the RNLI were just x-feet away", I wonder if they actually used their VHF to call for assistance (again, I may have misses seeing this). And to say that "the buoy was unlit", well hundreds of buoys and markers are unlit.

Whichever way they intend to head for home, they will be out in open water, and in some very hostile seas - Western Approaches, Biscay etc. It would be a good deed indeed if someone with that knowledge could at least re-assure them, and make sure they are fully equipped for such a journey.

Ona Unwin :