New member
Sorry if it`s been posted before but I`ve not seen anything.
The question is my old Canpa hatches have started to become
"crazed" and I would like to know if and when it becomes
a safety hazard - is it likely to shatter ?
I would like to replace the "Perspex" but the prices quoted would seem to say
I might as well buy new hatches.
The price of the perspex is not all that great so it is obviously labour costs.
Can I do it myself? The question here is how do I remove the old plastic as there appears to be no holding screws. I suspect it`s only held in by sealant.
A good blow with a hammer would probaly do the job ( taking safety measures)
But what sealant would be best and what sort of gap should there be
between the frame and plastic?
Any advice would be welcome .
Thanks in advance
The question is my old Canpa hatches have started to become
"crazed" and I would like to know if and when it becomes
a safety hazard - is it likely to shatter ?
I would like to replace the "Perspex" but the prices quoted would seem to say
I might as well buy new hatches.
The price of the perspex is not all that great so it is obviously labour costs.
Can I do it myself? The question here is how do I remove the old plastic as there appears to be no holding screws. I suspect it`s only held in by sealant.
A good blow with a hammer would probaly do the job ( taking safety measures)
But what sealant would be best and what sort of gap should there be
between the frame and plastic?
Any advice would be welcome .
Thanks in advance