I moaned about this one a few months ago on this forum, it lacks tidal information I didn't bother to study it any further than that, basically it doesn't do what it says on the cover!!
I like it - but it is not as detailed in some areas as Reeds, so I am also keeping last year's Reeds on the boat. I imagine that in future I will alternate between the two.
We use the PBO one for UK tides and until we get to France then Votre Livre de Bord which is unbelievably good and only costs £12 'ish even at todays reduced rate of exchange. This even includes a ship's log book (columns in english and french) and detailed harbour info on both sides of the Channel and from Holland to Spain, major French harbour info is in english as well as french. Tide info is very extensive for France with many minor ports included as well. There are even harbour plans etc from the Scillies right along the S Coast and the Solent. Full light list info also included for Channel and West France.
That's strange, mine came with a separate tide table. One thing I like about it it is that I don't need to leaf through 700 pages to look up local tide times.
I agree with Ken, it came with a tide tables book and a slip to claim next years tide tables too, I reckon its good, but I was given mine buck shee, I use it in conjunction with the shell channel pilot, makes a good combination.
<hr width=100% size=1>Wanted - Austin Healey 110/6 or 3000 to rebuild, LHD considered.
You need to study it further, unless of course you only intend to use it for your own locality if that is well covered, as it has some huge gaps in its tidal info one instance being the west coast of Ireland. It says on the cover that it covers 'Faroes to Gibraltar' and 'west Ireland to Southwest Baltic' well it gives harbour details and certain bits of info but as I have said lacks in the tide table department for some large areas in between. Great if you don't mind sitting down for an hour or two to work out what the tide should be doing in a major port that they have not listed, check Galway, and Faro, to name but two and I haven't bothered studying it in depth for the east coast 'cos I aint going there.
You get what you pay for with this one and its a poor sub for the Reeds Macmillans.