Buying boats abroad advice needed

1 Aug 2011
Maybe in a boat next to you?
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A smart boat dealer may do it at no charge if you just ask him to find you some other boats of this kind, generally - provided you really want to buy some and for decent sum of money. This way you will learn about some other bargains as well, and maybe find another, should there be something wrong with this one.
Anyway if you hire a dealer in this way he will represent your interest, not the seller's, and will take care of paperwork, while costing you nothing - he can get his commision from the selling side. This is the best way to avoid travelling, but of course don't believe everything blindly - he also will want to sell you something. Nowadays a buyer with cash is worth a lot. Of course not if the boat you plan to buy is for Ł1 :D

No safeguards exist. You should go there in the end...

Thanks that's interesting but I am pretty much at the bottom end of the market & don't have oodles to spend.(sorry for my English,it might not translate into foreign readily) :D
I have given serious thought to going there but I would rack up serious expenses & it is just to risky.If it was in this Country I suspect that I would bite the sellers hand off to get this particular boat at the price but alas........:(
In future I shall be sticking closer to home.
Thanks all for your input.