If you don't let the raggies out, how on earth do you intend to leave yourself? You'll have nobody to follow. Still most stinkies tend to stay firmly gripped to the pontoon anyway of course, so its an academic question really ;-)
Count me in. Capital structure all wrong though. If need 5m to buy it and build houses, should borrow massively. Example:
Need 5m
Borrow 3.5m secured on land and development (drawdown in phases)
Equity requirement from this BB = 1.5m cash plus say 0.5m loan guarantees out of personal assets
That's 10 people with 150k cash each, and 50k of realisable asset if it goes pearshaped.
Then if say sell the properties for even £150k each, that's £7.5million back, praps £6.5 after tax (Depsol's scam doesn't work), so repay the bank and have £3m to distribute, = £300k for each person, plus we still own the bars, public berths, etc.
Bagsy I interview the l/dancers. Well qualified, season ticket holder at Scores.
What do you mean my scam doesnt work? £5 mil in bank, I do a runner with the lot and buy some big gin palace to moor on an island I have just bought in some far away place. Works for me! Oh and I'll take the lap dancers aswell.
Interesting idea, might find some pennies for that. However I kept a boat at the Victory Yard opposite E. Cowes Marina for part of a summer. £10ish return everytime I wanted to visit, plus mainland cp, plus £1 e.w. harbour taxi, and even then could only take non flammable hand baggage.
If you've a family to bring too it starts to look less than exciting. The ferry is the problem.
Eh hum, 'scuse me Michael, bejabbers, to be sure, to be sure - there's no probs wid de money I tell you. One of de boys has got a few quid to play wid, just gettin it transfoired back to de emerald isle, have to be in cash mind you, as much as you like up to 500mil, OK now just give us a call - gotta go there's a knock on de door!
Sounds a remarkably good idea. And we can then have the marina running properly like. With Satellite TV and mucky movies to all berths, phone hook-ups like the yanks do, hot and cold running water piped to each boat and in the summer a\c too blowing nice cold air into each boat. That way no-one'll ever leave and so we can keep on hiking up the rates till we're making SOOOO much money, that MDL'll buy it and everyone'll make a huge profit.
Like jfm's financing idea. So in reality we don;t actually need any cash then jfm to put up to buy it? In that case I'm definitely IN.
Oh and of coure recruiting of all staff is my domain. As the official forum employment agent, I get to do all interviewing esp of LapDancers. Yep, it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it.
Suggest we can make even more money by carrying out L\D interviews at Sangatte Centre near Calais and then find volunteer to transport successful candidates in their own boat at nominal rates, hence maximising priofits even more.
I like the sound of this. Who knows, this time next year we could ALL be millionaires Rodney
But....if we are all up the Medina, moored next to each other, which is what it all sounds like you want, re lap dancers etc. then there wouldn't be any need for us all to log on here and gossip (sorry, give out specialised boating advice) etc. Kim would be out of a job, cause he's banned apparentlee. And lets be honest, the Medina, alright, but not sunny all year round or anythink, top notch L/Ds, naked security guards, but no shopping I've noticed, only a well run bar and restaurant. What are these L/Ds going to spend their earnings on, or Coliholic, will they presumeably be sending all their earinings home, to husbands and 8 children.
Aha, excellent idea, we can network the phone sytem so we can all carry on posting from our boats to each other sitting next door sort of thing. Is that what you mean? I like your plan. It's good that you think laterally, none of this stick in the mud we've-always-done-it-this-way type menatiltiy here eh? And of course has the added advantage that Kim'll be out of a job hence we can employ him as either "the body", to model new range of Forum Clothing, or altenatively as Raggie Scarer. Stick him on a pole at the entrance to the marina with some kind of pitchfork and threaten any raggies daring to approach. Have to get him to forward a CV first to see if he's qualified though.
Re the sunshine and temperature problem what about a Centre Parcs type plastic tent cum bubble thingy, with big sun lamps?
Oh and re L\D's spending money. Who mentioned anything about paying them eh? They'll be happy enough working amongst all these esteemed important people that they'll be happy with just a bowl of rice and scraps form the table, after all we don't want to spoil them do we.
Yep, it's getting better, lets form a focus group AND keep the ideas flowing.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by coliholic on Fri Feb 8 19:32:47 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>
I'm worried about your mentalititty Colin ;-) This is business, so IMHO we let raggies in, we just charge 'em to enter. Lots. And we charge em to stay. And then charge em again to exit. (Oops I'm an AC/DC raggie too but will apply for some discount vouchers)
Oh but won't that cause all sorts of arguments and bad feeling etc in the bar? After all if it's costing the raggies (quite rightly IMHO) at least twice as much as the nice motor boaters, then they're not going to be best pleased are they and it could cause all sorts of fights and nastiness.
No much better to keep 'em out. Or let 'em have their own grotty bit of bar miles separate from ours. Must be a beaten up old Nissen hut we can find for 'em 'cos they do like roughing it and never wash anyway so don't want 'em mixing with us do we?
Oh and what about the Scots? Do we let 'em in or what?