He didn't skimp on the burgee material - double faced - so you could make at least a baseball cap out of one and still have the burgee....might be quicker?!
I'm hoping it will scare off particularly crapulous seagull from my crosstree. More anon.
Come on Arthur he grabed the idea and turned it into reality. It's nothing to do with IPC or Kim - just a forum users initiaitve. Bloody well done to him I say.
Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)
Barry - I think you took what I wrote the wrong way. I was not being sarcastic, for a change I think Haydn as done a great job of getting it all together.
Whoops sorry Arthur - had'nt had my daily diet of 12 year old lawyer. Finished him off by 17:45 and retired to pub for some liquid "attitude adjustment". Seems to have worked - silly inane grin in place.
Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)
Yes, 5 in the sky at the same time. I 've forgotten when in April this will occur, but I seem to remember it won't happen again for another 100 or so years.
I think it starts this weekend, from about 20th April, and will be visible to the nake eye for several days. The last few times this has happened there have been big problems in the Middle East eg. the 6 days war and other violent times. I raed in the papers that the conjuntion of 3 of the planets will shine a very bright light over Bethlehem, as has happened before, which is a sign of an almighty upheaval. The date of May 26th was suggested for something extremely cataclysmic happening, so go enjoy your boating while you can!
Wife and I went to the beach last evening at dusk and gazed out over the Gulf of Mex awaiting the alignment and then a big black thundercloud drifted across. Saw only Jupiter, Moon and Venus, but v. pretty all the same. Will try again next week, if I survive the bike ride