Never having been there, and trying to get some ideas for trips for the coming season, what woud be nice children friendly places to visit in Brittany?
Ile de Sein : tricky navigation but about as far away as one can get - they speak Breton. Streets are about 5' wide. Resident pod of large dolphins you can swim with.
Iles de Glénan ; white coral sands and bright blue water. Good sea food restaurant on St Nicolas. Watch the sun sets.
The Rivière de l'Odet : go 3 or 4 miles up-river twisting between the high sides and just before the river widens before Quimper there is a little arm to starboard - you would think it is hardly wide enough for a boat but it opens into a lovely pool with trees all around and you will have the quietest night possible irrespective of the weather.
Ile de Groix Fun in the Port - my older kids' favorite
Belle Ile - Sauzon a lovely little port with great restaurants from the Bistro du Port to Haute Cuisine. Good beaches. Stir Wenn : you enter a cove and then another at right angles to starboard ( not visible until you are almost on it) and moor to anchor and line ashore.
Ile de Houat ( pronounced Wot ) a two km beach excellent for the kids swimming and sand hills. Pretty village.
Ile de Hoëdic (pronounced Edic) Good walks excellent restaurant at the hotel.
Ile d'Yeu Lovely island warmer water if a little crowded in summer.
Golfe de Morbihan : Ile d'Arz pine trees picturesque houses. I enjoy Morbihan but find the water less attractive for swimming being sort of estuary like.
Kerneval (Lorient) and La Trinité if you like crowds and big boats. I go sailing to get away from crowds.
etc etc.
I never have regretted bringing the boat back from the Med.
How old are the children? ie do you need beaches or nightlife? Is the boat bilge or deep keel? Do you mind taking the ground or do you want marinas? If you can't make South Brittany, our children (11 & 10) have enjoyed Trebeurden (Nice beach nearby) St Malo St Quay etc etc on the N Brittany coast - take you pick there are loads of places... An hour or two with a chart and a pilot book will reveal loads more..
We went there on holiday last year and it's the reason why we came back to boating. So many lovely harbours - the restaurants are great, and even the French are OK in that part of the world!
We saw some beautiful harbours/marinas around the Brest Peninsular. Probably a good place to start would be St Malo (easy from Jersey), then work around the coast. Great places, with good facilities for yachts that we visited were St Quay Portrieux, Paimpol, Ile de Brehat (no marinas but some snug anchorages), Lezardrieux. Perros Guirec, Ploumanach (restricted now to about 8 metre boats I think) and Trebeurden. Further round on the Southerly side of the peninsular we went to Dournanez, Benodet (our absolute favourite - an upmarket Salcombe). and Concarneau.
The navigation can be serious stuff with lots of hazards to catch the unwary, but to a Yachtmaster like yourself, a challenge easily met!.
I stress we visited by car, not boat, but we will return with our boat at some time when experience allows. It's a beautiful part of the World, and I would envy you your trip.
Official size limit for visitors berths at Ploumanach is 12m but during the fete de mer they have the larger old gaffers in there. I was fortunate to be there during the fete de mer a few years ago when Jolie Brise toppled over on her side ! Really worth going when the festival is on because of the real ale, rustic wine, Irish jig bands, Breton music , Jazz etc.
But do the sprogs sorry. Young ladies, want to go all the way to Frogland at 4 miles an hour. Or is this your idea. Would they not preffer to go discoing or what ever girls of that age do. Wont be much time for building sand castles after you've got down there and back. Have you concidered getting something a bit faster to stop the girls from getting bored..../forums/images/icons/smile.gif
If boredom is a problem on longer passage (often is for this age group), consider going via Cherberg or St Peter Port, send them by ferry and meet them there. Alternatively, we found a night passage was considered great fun by the younger set - allowed to stay up all night, taking turns manning the radar.
Haydn, wash your mouth out ... this is a battle constantly fought and I'm forever rearguarding on that one!
I'd probably sail the boat to St Peter Port the previous weekend on my own and leave the boat there for the week and come back with the family on the ferry.
Nobody mentioned Camaret but as they say study the charts and you'll find no shortage of places to go. Went to Camaret from Scilly with my two last year (10 and 12) just me and them, then explored the Rade de Brest we all had a great time and they want to go again but this time will probably stop off at ushant if the weather is favourable.
Once there it is all short hops from one good stop the the next.
Just looking at my log book we did Solent- St Peter Port- Lezardrieux-Treguier-Ploumanach-Treuberden, Morlaix thru the Ile De Batz, L'Aberwrach(bad weather so holed up for 2 days) and then back to Plymouth and on to Solent. 14 days in total but pretty hard sailing for a family crew. I wondered why the cardinal marks were so much taller than the ones in the UK until we hit heavy weather.
yes, the rocks are an amazing colour. We anchored in the channel opposite the funny little chateau whlist we waited for enough rise of tide to get over the sill. Hey with the 12m you can get the new boat in there !
Agreed - Ploumanach is the most charming of harbours. My boat's 11.4m, so that bit's OK then. Need to get a good season or two experience under my belt before I tackle that one though! Really looking forward to the day that I'm competant enough to get down that way - maybe 2004......?
Well, obviously the shopping had better be up to scratch, and the villages are no good at all. imho, the most decent spots in N france are
1. Deauville. known as the additional arrondissement of paris during august, lots of fun and ace shops. But er not really brittany. Neither is Le Popuquet, and these two are top fave spots amongst ladies.
2. La Baule. A high speed train runs there from Paris. Monster swanky beach, and posh shops.
everywhere else a bit welliefied, caravanified, or cimply far too Cumberlidgey.