Bridge to Portpatrick

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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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"An upgrade of the A75 would mean improving the main road between the port of Cairnryan and the M6 motorway in Scotland"

Since the M6 does not enter Scotland, they clearly have not done much basic research yet.
To be fair, it only misses Scotland by about 200 yds:



Well-known member
2 Oct 2004
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What about a little joined-up thinking?

West Cumbria Mining want to dig a hole out under the Irish Sea: they refer to it as a "coal mine". Boris wants to dig a hole under the Irish Sea: he refers to it as a "tunnel".

[heavy irony emoji]


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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What about a little joined-up thinking?

West Cumbria Mining want to dig a hole out under the Irish Sea: they refer to it as a "coal mine". Boris wants to dig a hole under the Irish Sea: he refers to it as a "tunnel".

[heavy irony emoji]

Good idea, They can dump the mine waste across the North Channel and create a polder in the Irish Sea. That would cut down on those nasty tides which sweep in. It would also protect us from tsunamis (see post #32). All we need is a couple of big locks to let 'vessels transit'. There's nearly bu@@er all shipping comes down the North Channel so making them wait a bit for the locks wouldn't be a problem.

This forum is a great demonstration of British innovation - MBGA! We now have the options of a bridge, tunnel, tube and causeway. I'll write to Johnson's engineering advisors immediately. I'll cc in Joanna.


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13 Oct 2010
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I would be very happy for Boris to be sentenced to some hard labour digging a hole under the Irish Sea. Would seem very fair for the chaos he has caused to the Northern Irish

Johnson says it's not his fault. He blames Ursula von der Leyen and her cronies.

PS: What has she done for our bridge/tunnel/tube/causeway? Absolutely nothing.
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Well-known member
10 Jul 2005
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Put a smart motorway through the tunnel and we could set the variable speed limit to take ooh, 15 days between the 2 countries ! No need for declarations and checking in..
Now travellers can self isolate in the comfort and familiarity of their own car ( please bring sufficient food and loo roll for your journey ) ..

Who needs check points ?? All fresh foods ( and quite a lot of alcohol and ciggies possibly , will be consumed en route or in TunnelSpeak “under international waters ‘‘?


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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15 days? Pah. It needs a time machine so travellers arrive at Larne in 1953.

Donaghadee is about 1973. Much more advanced. Though I have to say the last time I saw a black person in the town was several years ago. You would not move here if you were interested in a career in multiculturalism.


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20 Mar 2008
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Immigration has never been a thing either in Larne or Ards, puzzled to understand why? Emigration is much more popular, even from Ballymena, as I can personally attest, though I do know of one farming family who moved to Devon, stayed three years and headed straight backto Norn. Irn.


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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Immigration has never been a thing either in Larne or Ards, puzzled to understand why? Emigration is much more popular, even from Ballymena, as I can personally attest, though I do know of one farming family who moved to Devon, stayed three years and headed straight backto Norn. Irn.

The housing market is pretty buoyant in some areas at present and it seems a lot of English are moving over, also with NI people returning home. Not sure if its partly due to the 1973 environment. Life is certainly easier over here, I think, and there's a lot more space. Housing costs are less - I am about to move myself and will certainly not have the same size of property when I do emigrate. But I think I am going in the wrong directions: the NI population is increasing with incomers and people are moving from cities out to the sticks. I am leaving NI and the sticks and planning to move to a city centre.

The partner (from Edinburgh) can't believe that nearly everyone has a tow bar and a trailer. We were talking about it this morning and she said, "Surely X doesn't have one!" But he does. Does that sum up the NI lifestyle? You are always pottering about and carting things to the dump.

Will the construction of the tunnel/bridge/tube/causeway change things? Will the locals have a chance to use their trailers on Johnson's mega project?


Well-known member
27 Feb 2007
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Very unfair that Arlene and Sammy should be required to use a tunnel or bridge to get to England. They should walk across just like the Scots and Welsh.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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The housing market is pretty buoyant in some areas at present and it seems a lot of English are moving over, also with NI people returning home.
We used to have quite an influx of NI farmers to SW Scotland, but that seems to have stopped or even reversed now. The one I knew best - because I rented barn space for a boat from him - sold up here about five years ago. And jolly inconvenient it was, as I had to build my own barn to replace his.

If there is a link across the North Channel - or when, as I am sure it will happen eventually - I really hope it's not a road bridge, or at least not only a road bridge. We don't need a whole new motorway alongside the A75. Even if it does have a roadway for local traffic, it would make much more sense as a high speed rail link with a shuttle service (a la Chunnel) from the north end of the M6 at Carlisle to Belfast in an hour or so.

On a boating note, I see that a new customs post is to be built at Cairnryan. I wonder if this will result in Stena and P&O merging their operations there, at least partially, as they originally planned.
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