Breskens to Ostende


17 Oct 2017
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Hi Fiona. Have you got the HP33 Dutch tidal atlas? There are detailed tidal diagrams for the Westerschelde and the coast southwards. The Belgian coast isn’t covered in so much detail of course but the general impression is clear. I think this year’s edition includes tide times for Oostende.

Not sure where you mean by the new harbour… Cadzand is relatively new but ultimately not a very long trip from Breskens. If that is where you mean then it’s a simple short hop along the coast with no issues.

Going further to Oostende obviously requires getting past Zeebrugge and the only time we’ve done that we were coming from further north, so were some distance off.

The banks off the Belgian coast are a bit of a maze but the advice we had from those who know it much better was that you can be much more direct in settled weather.

You might get more responses from those with more experience if you post in the Yachting Monthly or East Coast forums. Good luck with it all.

Fiona Jack

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5 Aug 2023
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Thanks, really helpful. Been sailing in Hollands Diep etc plus the Mast Up route so this is the first trip into the North Sea. Thought we would start with Calzand as an easy first step. Will post in Yachting Monthly and East coast forums. New to all this so wasn't sure where to post.

peter gibbs

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21 Sep 2016
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Hi Fiona. Have you got the HP33 Dutch tidal atlas? There are detailed tidal diagrams for the Westerschelde and the coast southwards. The Belgian coast isn’t covered in so much detail of course but the general impression is clear. I think this year’s edition includes tide times for Oostende.

Not sure where you mean by the new harbour… Cadzand is relatively new but ultimately not a very long trip from Breskens. If that is where you mean then it’s a simple short hop along the coast with no issues.

Going further to Oostende obviously requires getting past Zeebrugge and the only time we’ve done that we were coming from further north, so were some distance off.

The banks off the Belgian coast are a bit of a maze but the advice we had from those who know it much better was that you can be much more direct in settled weather.

You might get more responses from those with more experience if you post in the Yachting Monthly or East Coast forums. Good luck with it all.
Easy 2 hour run to Oostende, Cadzand nice new marina on the border, a little exposed but good facilities.
Navigation wise, it's good water direct from Breskens running with the tide shoreside of the shipping channel which is well marked. At Zeebrugge water shallows somewhat. Approach carefully about 2 cables off the mole with the windmills prominent; be prepared to hold back if shipping is arriving or departing via the marked channel, or call up Zeebrugge control for clearance.
Straight on to Oostende running half a mile offshore. Approach harbour moles with care, more fishing boats here than heavy traffic. Look for green approach signal or call port control. Inside, turn stbd into N Sea marina, alongside or buoyed moorings, but right on the town.

Otherwise move past into inner harbour at far end and Royal YC. with pontoon moorings and good clubhouse.

Good luck and have fun in Oostende - good place with tasty grub.



17 Oct 2017
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Thanks, really helpful. Been sailing in Hollands Diep etc plus the Mast Up route so this is the first trip into the North Sea. Thought we would start with Calzand as an easy first step. Will post in Yachting Monthly and East coast forums. New to all this so wasn't sure where to post.
Great. Enjoy it. I see more detailed advice has already arrived!

Biggles Wader

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3 Mar 2013
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I first went to Oostende as a teenager where I met Stella.
I think the last name was Artois but my memory got a little hazy at that point.


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14 Feb 2007
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Cadzand had only just opened the last time we passed that way so we didn’t visit it, but we always preferred Blankenberg to Ostend, for its pleasant town and the simpler trip home. My only advice is to bear in mind that it often gets rough off Zeebrugge.

Fiona Jack

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5 Aug 2023
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Cadzand had only just opened the last time we passed that way so we didn’t visit it, but we always preferred Blankenberg to Ostend, for its pleasant town and the simpler trip home. My only advice is to bear in mind that it often gets rough off Zeebrugge.
Is Blankenberg not very shallow? We have 1.8 draft.


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16 Aug 2013
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the other thing to bear in mind is to keep the appropriate sector VHF on.
It changes as you go from the Westerschelde to Zeebrugge and you are absolutely expected to be listening - we have been called up off Zeebrugge. Reeds has a small chart showing the sectors and the VHF channel.

There will be loads of room at Cadzand and the berths are large but fairly silted at low water but it is very soft. Can be quite swelly as you get v close to the entrance but smooths out once you enter. Harbourmaster may not be around but is very contactable and v helpful. Bakery/Patisserie in the town (not very far) is wonderful.