Chugging back up to Wareham on Monday, we saw a MoBo stuck hard and fast in a shallow creek just before the start of the R Frome. Looks like he had taken a wrong turn at speed. /forums/images/icons/blush.gif LOL
Many years ago we were high and dry on the bank. The hovercraft (for these were the days when it ran out of Cowes) stopped next to us on the sand, opened the door in the bows, and asked if anyone wanted a lift ashore!
Now Jimi.
This is not your way of telling us that you ran agound, is it /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
and you were trying to find out if you had been seen????
would convince you they had done it deliberately:-
- cleaning up the hull;
- checking the seacocks and greasing same;
- replacing the anodes;
- polishing the propellor;
- picnic with table and chairs;
- removing the dodgers with the boat's name on them;
- hiding below?
Normally only the haunt of poor old YM candidates. Many moons ago I had a lifting keel 17ft cruiser called a "Pirate" which drew about 2ft with the board up.
We cut in real close to the bank on one outing. Just ghosting along. We touched once but a quick hop over the side and a shove and we're off. The Moody 40 odd, that motored past us, cockpit full of happily quaffing males in pink trousers and breton caps, didn't have that option. They went from 6 knots to zero in about a yard and a half. Much falling over and spilling of drinks and much dismay. One of the crew thought it was our fault. I doubt they got of before dark.
I once landed on the bank and ended up waist deep in water when a high speed red thing went past. He also moved my boat about three metres inland which gave me something to do for about two hours, trying to drag the thing back into deeper water.