New member
I have just spent the day after an initial 30 min trip out (cut short due to windy lumpy conditions) tinkering down the boat in the marina and personally witnessed three seperate occasions of novices hitting boats either on departure or arrival and two weeks ago a certain novice with a 21ft power cruiser came in at about 6 knots in windy conditions giving no regard to wind direction and was blown into/across the stern of 5 yachts in fwd, he then realises he has a problem and wont make his berth and reverses back at about 6 knots across the stern of these 5 yachts, foolishly thinking he is know is better positioned he again engages fwd and again scrapes passed the 5 yachts this time catching his dingy and davits on the pushpit which swings him into a vacant berth which wasnt his, he decides to leave the boat in this berth as even he must of thought enough was enough for one day, this kind of situation is becoming all too frequent with the amount of novices buying boats, especially power boats and hitting throttles thinking their driving their cars, im personally tomorrow going to the scrap yard and buying the biggest scrap tyre i can find and going straight down the boat to hang the bloody thing over the bow as it seems only a matter of time before i visit the boat and find half my bow missing, ive spoken in the past to marina management regarding this problem and the replies have been "well accidents do happen when its windy" ive been boating for over 30 years and i now think that its time for a change in the laws to put a stop to this kind of totally unacceptable damaging behaviour against our property!
Does anyone else agree here?
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Does anyone else agree here?
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