Boat transporting: warning re YSL and Sevenstar


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Sevenstar and their uk agency Yacht Shipping Limited (ysl) advertise in the uk boaty mags, and readers might well be tempted to book for transporting their boat through them. My advice is very strongly DON'T do this. Use someone else, or drive it yourself, as my experience below relates.

Last year '03 I decided to move the boat back to the uk for an early season, then spend the summer wafting back down the atlantic coast to the med. SWMBO thort i was mad, but i was actually a bit bored of floating about a bit in a fifty miles stretch of tideless med water rather than going anywhere new.

I got quotes for shipping, and eventually decided to drive the boat to Gib over easter school holidays with family, then have it put on a ship from there - saving vat cos from Gib, see?

I contacted a chap in Gib who wanted £27k erk, Peters and May who wanted about £17k, and YSL who wanted £15750. It's important to recognise that all these are agents for shipping, and don't own ships themselves. So, you could be on the same ship as others booked thru loads of different agents.

The way it works is a bit strnage. They take your name and boat info, then at the last minute tie down the details with a contract. So, i heard nothing at all until a month or so before the planned sailing times, when P&M and YSL asked again if i was interested. Yep. So both sent copntracts, and i chose the cheapest - cos what's the difference - same service innit? Bad move.

I signed a contract with Sevenstar, and YSL continulally refer to "their principals in Holland". The contract gives a range of dates during which the boat will be picked up and the transport starts. But still P&M called and called again, knocking lumps out of YSL, and vice versa. "They won't be able to make those dates" or "they haven;t got a ship , you know" and so on. It was as if you were in in tescos and a sainsbury's assistant sidled up and started slagging offf the fruit - "they're all past their sell-by date you know - we have the same supplier". Very un-nerving.

YSL pressed hard for payment to be made 2 weeks before the sailing date. We hadn't had confirmation of an actual sailing date, but apparently that comes later. I sent the cheque.

Within a couple of days (i have all the correspondence dates etc) they called to say that the original range of dates wouldn't be achieved - so it wouldn't be between 28th April and 5th May as on the contract but on the 10rth May.

I went bonkers. They must have known that they wouldn't be able to make the dates before taking the cheque, waited *just* long enough to cash it - then made the call. The lady at YSL denied this. I called them liars, and still think the same. I rented a boat to make the mercury meeting.

P&M rang, a chap this time, and asked if we wanted to come on another ship. I said i was contrcated to go with sevenstar and ysl . But the P&M guy was adamant "there's a range of dates- called the "lay" (sp) time" - box 6 in the contract - and if they miss those dates they are out of contract and they refund the money no question." said the chap at P+M.

Although i found out that this is the norm, I was wary at the time. Boat in sotogrande clocking up summertime fees, most of 16k in someone else's hands, and a new contract date of 12th may would be later (and a bit more expensive) than ysl were now telling me. So i didn't jump.

Soon, YSL said they had "named the ship", which means they have contracted the ship to do take their load, and it would be loading in Gib on 14thMay. Argh, you said 10th! Damn. Anyway, I orgainsed the suncoast gang to do the move to gib, only 10 miles. it seemed okay. But i wasn't pleased.

I asked YSL at what poiint they gave up and refunded money. they couldn't or wouldn't say. But they did say that the boat would definitely defintely be in Gib on the 14th, no question, no need for Lay times now - it's a fixed date.

A little later and of course the date oops moved to the 20th May. With good weather in Biscay I then decided to drive it , and fouind trazie and Burgundyben to do the move.

At the same time I sent an email to YSL saying that they were out of contract, and please refund. They offered a £2k discount. I said no. They said that they had expenses. I said i had lawyers. They said they had spent money on fixings for the boat on the ship. Hm, what fixings and how much? Well, it's some wood, and it's €4,000 euros. Jeez, look, just give us our money back it's in the contract. We'll send it to our legal department, said sevenstar.

Suncoasts lot were very useful anyway 0 in gettingthe boat started which had dead or very weak bateries - i replaced the batteries when back in the uk.

As we were driving back to the uk, somewhere off Brest, i had a call on mobile from a sevenstar agent in Gib telling me the ship was ready for loading. This seemed like a ruse to avoid giving a refund altogether. I returned to uk with the boat, resigned to the idea of spending enough money to ship the boat, plus enough money to drive it, gulp.

The efforts of SWMBO to get a refund were fabulously assisted by two forumites (whom i will not mention here but they know who they are and thankyou v much again).

One forumite is in/near the legal profession who knew a specialist lawyer in a (or perhaps the ultimate) top law firm, another in the shipping industry whose specialist legal contact also read the contract in detail. Both legals peeps (to whom i am indebted and thankyou very much again) were of the same opinion - that the fine detail of Sevenstar's contract allows them to move and move and move the dates, and never refund the money. It seemed that they didn't even need to do any shipping, provided that they kept advising of later and later shipping dates. They were also well along a line aof agencies, so again a bit dificult to get at them, quite apart from them being in Holland. One of the legal experts expressed surprise that sevenstar are still in business and has come across them before. Again, of course, we are very grateful for the help from these legal experts.

Sevenstar did refund most but not all our money, but less the rather arbitrary €4000 euros, which feels remarkably like their profit margin. But they didn't need to make any refund according to the legals, and there seems no chance of them refunding any more without a huge and flaky foreign legal battle, and it isn't worth it.

If i shipped a boat again, i wd talk to Peters and May. Or i would talk to "dockexpress" but from a mechanical viewpoint - the boat sits "in" a ship rather than atop it, and hence less possibility of damage or being swept overboard - which can happen, i hear.

I wd most certainly NOT use YSL sevenstar, ever, and wd recommend that perhaps the magazines might want to reconsider carrying their advertising - until they adopt a contract whereby the "lay time" date range is achieved or they refund the money, as i belive is normal shipping practice. Peters and May clearly believe that sevenstar (and everyone else) follows this simple rule. But sevensatsr do not do this, and their contract permits it.

So, there we are - another interesting bit of boat-related advice for you all NOT to do something that i have attempted at the personal expense of a few grand, damnit.

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18 Jun 2001
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This is the first long one I have ever read - and I'm glad I did.

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10 Sep 2002
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And we boat to relax!!!

I used Peters & May to get to Majorca and I found them very straight forward. The dates did slip as shipping day got closer (a week in total I think) but they were good at keeping me informed. Also, P&M told me that there was no need to pay anything in advance and there would be no problem as long as they had the funds before unloading in Palma (I didn't and there wasn't).

So P&M's bit went OK, my headaches started when my boat got in the clutches of the yacht service company in Majorca but as I'm still trying to get outstanding issues resolved I won't pour oil on the embers just yet (and hopefully will be able to report a satisfactory outcome)

Are you still planning to head back to the Med later in the summer?


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30 Sep 2002
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What a saga - I'm pleased I went with P+M from San Diego - again no money changed hands as the boat hasnt yet arrived in UK. Boat was complete on time (and on budget) by builder, was RCD certified by surveyor in US, and was trucked to docks, and loaded aboard ship on due date. My only real worry now is that I must have a ton of bad karma stored up - everything has gone too well by half!

I do hope the trip back down the Atlantic coast goes well enough to make up for the saga...

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12 Dec 2002
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Yikes, What a story, Matt..
No wonder you are mighty P***ed off.
I suspect you are out of pocket by a lot more than 4000euros, What about the extra cost of sailing her round and your flights out etc, etc...

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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ah, i think we wd be a bit stereotypically northern uk-ish if we count the losses as any more than 4000 euros, cos the fuel and flights was about the same as the refund. So, not really out of pocket too much. Except er the servicing cos erm well 7 grand but anyway, that wd 've been needed anyway, ahem.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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When do you think you might be in Vilamoura - my family have a place not too far from there, but not a boat alas, so am there a reasonable amount.

Just out of interest, why have you chosen to moor there?

One option we have is to move the boat out there in due course, possibly next time we change it. But not too sure as it's a bit like the Costa del Sol in that there do not seem t be masses of anchorages or interesting places to visit, and the coastline is all a bit flat and boring apart from around Albufueria (not sure on the spelling) and it smells of chips around there!


ps if you want to know some v good restaurants near Almancil (about 20 mons from Vilamoura) let me know.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: vilamoura

well, it's a long way south, so a bit warm and not too ghastly off-season weather wise, perhaps.

Mainly of course, being a tight git, it's cheap. Alright fairly cheap. Alright, fairly cheap considering there's an airport not far away. Anyway, I'll be gone at the end of winter, honest.

Kindly forward details of where the chips are to be found.

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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Chips with everything

10 years since I've been to the Algarve, so it's probably all changed, but the two best greasy spoon restaurants that I recall are:

1) Chicken Luis (Luis de Frango) in Sao Bras de Alportel. Sit at communal tables and eat stunningly wonderful chicken piri piri washed down with cheap wine. Arrive at 6.00 pm or queue - no booking. It was a local institution and I bet it's still there

2) The Angolan Grill (Churasqueria Angolana) in Loule. As above, plus lots of other grilled goodies - pork particularly good - and draught Vino Verde (no, honestly). May no longer exist.

Both about 1/2 hr from Vilamoura.

There used to be a great French Restaurant between Val do Lobo and Almancil, run by a couple called Daphne and Didier and I'd love to know if it's still there (Benny1?), as we are contemplating going to that part of the world again.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: vilamoura

Best restaurant we have found in 17 yrs of going to Quinta do Lage (down the coast between Faro and VilaM) is called Pequeno Mundo, in an old farmhouse just outside Almancil. Run by a fellow called Joe who is an excellent host, but if you in season (remember there is a golf season as well as a school summer hols season there) you have to book a week to three weeks in advance. But it is vvv good.

Also in the outskirts of Almancil (Vilamoura side tho) is a restaurant called Casa do Campo - does great steaks that are flambed at your table (I love the way all the Euro nations except us flout all the silly brussells laws). Make sure you go on one of the nights when they have a little old man guitarist playing - usually Tuesday or Thursday, but sometimes Saturday too.

There are lots of others, but these are our two favourites. Can dig out a list for you if you want, either now or nearer the time.

Also, a lot of the restaurants on the beach between Quinta do Lago and Vilamoura are good (more for a long lunch than dinner though), but there are a couple that have great food, but servcie which is sooooo sloooooow. Can go there by boat if the swell is not oo big.

Additionally, there are some good restaurants around Vilamoura, but not as hot on those - suspect u need to ask your friend Trazie - however Pequeno Mundo is definitely worth a visit. Has been written about in quite a few of the Sunday papers, which might explain its popularity.

Hope this is helpful.

If you play gold make sure you get over to Quinta though - I am not a mega keen golfer, but really like to play there (much more than in the UK) and from the golf course you can have a nosey at some really rather spectacular villas.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: vilamoura

ooh good info there.

I am not a very keen golfer at all, in fact quite rubbish. I did a round in 62 shots once but only actually played the first three holes. So, i will check out the restaurants, much better.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Maybe not....

Daphne and Didier...hmm I am struggling...the Joe fellow mentioned above used to manage one between Almancil and Val called O Tradicional - that was a french type restaurant - was that it? If so then go to Pequeno Mundo as he took all the staff when he left and set up PM.

The French chap that used to own both O Trad and T Clube in Quinta do Lago (who's name I cannot remember for the life of me) now runs a restaurant called Casa Velha (in the old Quinta do Lago farmhouse - this is the building that used to house Shepherd's (as in Langan's Richard Shepherd) but is now another posh french restaurant). Impeccable service, faultless food, but ever so expensive. Strangely this place is never ever full, but seems to keep on going!

There is als a good (hearty portions) little italian between Val/Quinta and Almancil called Don Giovanis. Not imaginitive, but good food and reasonable ish prices. Always busy and a good family type atmosphere - not stuffy at all. Run ironically by an English couple, the husband has the biggest, greying boufant hairdo I have ever seen on a man since the 1980's - woth going to have a chuckle at that if nothing else. Looks like Swiss Toni from the Fast Show.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Well...I'd steal a buggy and have a nosey at the houses - can be pretty impressive - Quinta do Lago is great and was the European base of Ayrton Senna (they named the road his house is/was on after him when he died), as well as more dubiously one of the Neville brothers, Michael Owen, Chris Evans (and that Billie thing he married) - cos his brother is one fo the local golf Pro's - plus some others.

Like you, I am more intersted in the food (and the accompanying wine) than celeb spotting or Golf - but golf can be a good way to work off a hangover. Oh, and the weather is pretty good all year too - except for Dec & Jan which can be a bit pants.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Another thought...

Sorry to be a bore - but was the French Restaurant called Sao Gabriel? That is near Vale do Lobo too - has a Michelin star or two as well. It is still there, but do not go too often (had a bad experience once).

If you are staying nearby then you could also try one on the Val to Quinta road called Alambique - bit set back from the road and more of a rustic than glamorous setting, but great food. It's mainy a fish place - and not silly silly money, but like most places thereabouts not cheap either.

Now, I am begging to sound like a right fat greedy ba**ard, so I'll stop there and go and find those cakes my secretary baked and brought into the office!

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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Re: Another thought...


I've just remembered the name - Au Bons Enfants - but it's a while since I've been to the Algarve, so it may no longer be there!

I remember Don Giovanni's. Glad to hear it's still going.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Another thought...

YEah it's still there. I think I have only been there once and that was ages ago, so cannot report I am afraid. If you think it's good I may have a trundle down there in the summer.

Have fun.

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28 Aug 2003
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There are lots of places to anchor in the Algarve and it is not all flat and boring, have you tried going further west? Lagos to Sagres is anything but flat and boring!!
I agree that Albufeira is a bit yuk, but the rest of the Algarve is fab.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Nope, not tried Trazie. Will have to seewhat happens when we next change the are there lots of little coves and things that way? How long does it take to get to them from Vilamoura?

We would probably use the boat mainly as a dayboat, as we do in N Wales at the moment, and stay it any good for that?

The marshes near Faro look interesting too...

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