Boat Radio Licence


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It's a little more complicated than that as we only initially introduced it (3 years ago) as a trial system while a main RA system was built. Of course with the demise of RA there was a change of direction and we're still not too sure what our new heading is.


<hr width=100% size=1>Team Executive,
Maritime & Aeronautical Team, Ofcom


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15 Apr 2004
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"Be aware that the software supporting this can be temperamental and cannot transact with very new/modern IT."

Same as my radio!

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27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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Description of software: a program that works exactly as described in it's spec. sheet and is fully debugged.
Definition of the above: Obsolete.

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26 Jun 2003
Solent City, Hampshire,UK
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Would the very modern IT be running Windows Xp with Service pack 2 fitted? If that is the case dont feel hard done by. Most banking software now carries a warning that XP will give problems... Good old Bill Gates and his merry men

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12 Nov 2002
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Those are 2 truely wonderful replies<s>.

If I don't ACTUALLY put the little sticker you guys send me with the licence on the boat have you any idea if I have a licence?

It's kinda comforting to know that Ofcom are leading the way behind everyone else in the Government IT stakes<s>.

May I suggest that you ask your Westminster Masters for enough money to go out and buy an "off the shelf" computor, which will probably come with 120Gb's of memory, have Access installed, ask for a "girl" to run it and everytime one of us minions applies for a licence she enters all the details into the database. After a couple of years you will have the most up to date and efficient database in any Gov dept. You can ask it to tell you who's licence is due for re-newal next month, send info to form letters asking for the cash and a whole lot more.

Better still, I'll supply the computors/girls for a price and become a contractor?

Mike as you know all of the above is strictly tongue in cheek


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Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Mike - if you do not know why you are there charging us all an annual fee to fit basic safety gear - then you are in common with I guess 95% of recreational users! So why not lets agree to call it a day and abolish the nonsense of having to re-license the set every year. By all means a one off call sign allocation fee is reasonable, but the problem really lies with all the goons who abuse the system - to the annoyance of the rest of us, and not with the actual number of installations.

The need to work safely and efficiently with the commercial and Rescue sector sector surely raises the need for better operator trainign and discipline. Thats certainly how it seems here in the Solent. Its not the number of VHF stations that is the problem - its the number of idiots who regard onboard VHF as a free mobile phone system and transmit without a thought to procedures and safety. The number of times I have heard distress working overspoken for example proves my point. Its all back to front to have a one off operator test/license - I took my original VHF certificate nearly 20 years ago, and my competence as an operator has never been queried, assesed (or charged for!) since. (until I took my DSC SRC test that is) But the set - a 'fixed' asset as long as it remains in working order has to be relicensed every year. No sense in it in my view.

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Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
Dear Old Harry,

I suspect having a licence at all is simply a means of financing a service..

It is I think reasonable to have some body in charge of radio transmissions in the UK?

Not quite certain of that statement but certainly there needs to be some sort of police type survellience and a way to apprehend those who endanger the lives of others by abusing the system.. Or does there?

This has to be paid for - out of common tax or by taxing the folks that use it - OK no problem so far.. So the goverment set up a licencing authority to finance itself and run the system and hopefully make a profit that goes into the general fund.. fine. The problem comes I think when the licencing authority (who are they - what are their qulifications - are they really any value to society - have they lost the plot?) start to invent rules and regulation in order to glorify their existance. Make the goverment think it is worth it to have this authority....

I do not sail in UK waters but if I did I would use my mobile phone to make calls with not my VHF - all the way to France or the Netherlands... I would not use my VHF - So what is the VHF for? Calling Marinas, chatting to each other, Occaisonally calling other vessels to assertanin their intentions or to make them aware of you, and if the worst happens shouting for help.... If your GPS is linked to your VHF (and everybody has both items don't they?) then much of the emergency call is automatic ... can develope this argument ..

Now all the above being arguable do we actually need a licensening authortity? Do mobile telephone operators have an exam (I could do with a course!) In the USA (please correct me if I am wrong) it is all made very easy - you fill in a form - Here in France they go to sea locally/ inshore solent type sailing with mobile phones - and actualy I cannot see a lot wrong with that.... I do understand the cc hate this as the system has been all radio based and was set up before the mobile telephone became so ubiquitous....

All this is just a thought but .... what whould happen if there were no licences at all but it was against the law to abuse the safety and security channels....

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Those of us who sail in a crowded area such as the Solent are often driven to turning our sets off (in contravention of the requirement to maintain a listening watch on Ch16) because of the stream of irrelevant drivel and constant demands for 'Radio check please...'

I agree that in an ideal situation short range radio should not/does not need regulating - the 'free' use of short range CB band highlights this.

My point is that I pay an annual fee for the priviledge of owning a VHF short range transmitter. Why?

Over 20 years ago I was tested on my ability to operate that transmitter in accord with established protocols for correct use of calling and distress channels, and the correct procedures to use while on the air. Nobody has ever checked up to ensure that I am still either using these procedures - or that I can even remember them 20 years on!

And it is clear on a busy day in the Solent that there are many 'operators' who have not a clue how to use the set correctly!

Mobile Phone transmissions are exclusive in the sense that my call to SWMBO cannot be overheard and does not interefere with anyone elses mobile. Unlike VHF which is 'open' and is heard compulsorily by everyone in range! As this includes the commercial sector trying to communicate with harbour authorities for the safe conduct of shipping, as well as SAR with its life saving function, the whole situation seems to me less than satisfactory.

TV licences for example fund BBCTv, so the cost has some reason. But what does the VHF licence fee pay for? The department which issues the licences? It looks like a Catch 22, and when the head of said Department says he is not sure of its present direction, perhaps he too is aware of the fact that the fee does nothing more than pay for people to collect it!

My point is: given that VHF carries important safety traffic, there is a real need to ensure that users work to agreed protocols. Yet I have only once - 20 years ago - been asked to demonstrate my ability to do so. And clearly an awful lot of people in our area have forgotten - or never bothered to learn it - in the first place!

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Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
Interesting thought that. Why have licence fees at all?

Certainly why have operators licence fee? You can go out and buy a boat - motor or sail and just drive sail it around - you can operate a mobile phone at sea with out any sort of licence but when it comes to a radio suddenly its rocket science..


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Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Why indeed! Catch 22 - the fee would pay the people who test the operators skills. At least then the Solent area might be less plagued by inane radio chatter interfering with proper VHF working. No test no fee. And that is why I object to the annual license fee for my transmitter. Its not actually paying for anything except for someone to collect the fee! The set is not improved in any way, is not any safer or better, and is not receiving any sort of service or support from having to be licenced every year. So far this season transmissions have cost me £7.00 per session! Including the annual 'Radio Check please' call.

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7 Sep 2004
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Of course, you could subcontract the whole licence fee collecting and sticker issuing service offshore to me - but even at a cut price deal I would want more than GBP20 a pop just to cover costs, let alone your cut as well. Still seems that plenty would be happy to pay as must be a good cause /forums/images/icons/smile.gif.


<hr width=100% size=1>I am the cat but I am only 6.