Best Liveaboard


New member
30 Sep 2004
In general what is the best liveaboard,

Yacht, motorboat, barge, canal boat etc

Not just your favourite, but give reasons why your choice is best.

I live on a 42 boot Broom, we choose it because it'll fit up the Yorkshire canals and be more than happy at sea, also it provided 3 sleeping cabins and 2 toilets and shower. We wanted a flybridge cruiser but coudnt get one low enough to go under bridges.


<hr width=100% size=1>Am I the only Broom owner who isnt retired?


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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It really depends on what the individual wants. Ive tried a motor boat and really dident like it at all, My hillyard i love but shes too comfortable to cosy, and i spend far to much time onboard and not enough on land. OK i like it becouse wood gives a very safe plesant feeling in hourbour, (at sea in a blow i try not to think what could happen if a week rivit gives or a plank springs.) I enjoy the large heads with a walm hoh even gas heated shower, i m pleased with the over large water tanks. over large fule tanks fitted by the last owner--it meand i dont need to constantly look for water.
I like the reflex heater in the main cabin and i often hate the talors heater in the aft cabin with its fickel drip feed.
I like my solar panels which give all the electricity i can use and keep the batteries fresh for 5/6 years!!!so far. I like the simpson lawence manual winch i was going to replace with an electric one, im glad i found the cables and cost a problem!
I love my two burner and grill stove and my very reliable piston water pump.
And of course a bilge pump float switch! And for my old and almost heavy dingy the old jhonson out board that always starts first pull!!

Having said that im looking for a folkboat to live on for a while to get me out from below to make me do more sailing and live more simply--ill add a heater a 35lbs danforth and 25lbs CQR wind direction SSB to chat!!! and baby blake no TV video stereo no washing machine deep freez nor even fridge--i cant wait-- then next winter i will again apreciate my hillyard!!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>liveaboard


New member
28 Jul 2001
North Moray Coast.
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The best liveaboard is the one that you - and SWMBO - are happy with. We are all individuals, thank god, so no one boat will be for all of us.
Personally we prefer a wee cat which is good for us.
Just either enjoy what you have or change it for what you think may be better. By all means take advice, but remember that it is tainted by other peoples attitudes and ideas.
Most of all enjoy yourself - selves. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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