New member
Last year, soon after buying my 26' boat, the repair to my volvo MD1A (regrinding valves, etc) seemed to be caused by some long term corrosion , suspected as water getting back up the exhaust hose to the engine. Space in the bilge does not let me fit a separator anywhere in the exhasut hose that is sufficiently lower than the engine, and indeed the hose does not really get much lower anywhere out to the transom outlet, so I feel I'm in danger of a repeat of an expensive disaster. (On advice, I now shut off the cooling water 10 sec before stopping engine in the hope that exhaust blows out most of residual water in hose).
Can anyone advise whether it is possible to fit a valve in the exhaust hose between engine and the exhaust lowest point, which is either a "flap valve" flapping open for the exhaust gas, or, alternatively, a sealable valve to be turned off (thoguh this would be hard to reach) once the engine is stopped ?
It seems a fairly simple soution, but if so, why is it not found anywhere (that I know of) ? Any other ideas ?
Many thanks, Robert Hedges
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Can anyone advise whether it is possible to fit a valve in the exhaust hose between engine and the exhaust lowest point, which is either a "flap valve" flapping open for the exhaust gas, or, alternatively, a sealable valve to be turned off (thoguh this would be hard to reach) once the engine is stopped ?
It seems a fairly simple soution, but if so, why is it not found anywhere (that I know of) ? Any other ideas ?
Many thanks, Robert Hedges
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