Autohelm tiller ram..possibly 4000


5 Jan 2009
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Yep despite warnings Ive taken the tiller ram apart and now trying to put it together again....dont even comment on why! I read a post where someone described the construction of the linear bearing and there was an excellent drawing of it but cant find it again. Can any one put me on to the article again and and other exploded view of the bearing assembly would be appreciated. feeling very sheepish nik Ta. ps how do I know what version it is as there are no serial numbers nothing nought on it at all on it?


5 Jan 2009
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yep thats the link! I managed to get mine back together tonight. fiddly but runs fine. Not taking it apart again! I had never seen this type of bearing design before. very smart and simple. Two things keep the bearings in, the screw/worm and beside the little hole for the bearings is a lip, thats the trick. Mine idles at 0.4 amp and runs under load at about 1,5 amp so i think its ok. Thanks for all the help/advice. You guys save me a fortune!!!! Nik


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31 Oct 2003
N. Wales
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Just to follow up here, I did get that ram back together thanks to this forum and the help of Utube videos.

Congratulations :):)

yep thats the link! I managed to get mine back together tonight. fiddly but runs fine. Not taking it apart again! I had never seen this type of bearing design before. very smart and simple. Two things keep the bearings in, the screw/worm and beside the little hole for the bearings is a lip, thats the trick. Mine idles at 0.4 amp and runs under load at about 1,5 amp so i think its ok. Thanks for all the help/advice. You guys save me a fortune!!!! Nik

Congratulations too :)

You only ever take one to bits once ;)



5 Jan 2009
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Just to help anyone else here are a few thoughts on how to do it!. By all means clean and grease the worm drive but do not remove the worm drive from the brass sleeve or all the balls will fall out and then your in the .....!
If you look down the brass"nut" with the spiral out, you will see the threads that the balls sit in. Also you will see if you look carefully about two threads into the brass nut, a hole in one of the threads and a small brass "wall" in threads to stop the balls falling out. As the worm moves, the balls travel along the thread until they meet the wall and have no where to go but down the hole. In that hole is a corridor full of balls, and as one enters the corridor another leaves via a similar hole at the back of the brass "nut" and travels along the worm back to the original hole etc etc. what you need to get is a rod about 50cm long and 7mm wide. Introduce the rod from the opposite end all the way until it covers all the threads bar the thread nearest you that has the hole and wall beside it. The 7mm rod prevents the balls from falling out of the grooves as they make their way around the spiral. Now introduce carefully one at a time, a ball down the hole and if you keep doing this balls should appear at the distant hole and start to spiral their way around. Keep feeding in the balls one at a time. If they are a bit greasy even better. When you have all the balls in introduce the spiral rod and as you introduce the spiral it will eject the 7mm rod until you have the spiral back in.Voila! Never Take it out again!!! In actual fact it is a very good piece of design and well thought out! The balls are 2.00mm od. hope this helps!!!!! Nik


5 Jan 2009
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31 Oct 2005
Me: South Oxfordshire. Boat, Galicia NW Spain
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