Indeed. I filled in and submitted the form linked to by Capnsensible and provided a written summary of my experience (dinghies since 1977, larger yachts since 1992) including offshore passage-making etc but it's not sufficient for an ICC.I'm assuming he means he did the Yachtmaster theory course, not the practical assessment.
I think it's reasonable that this doesn't automatically translate into an ICC, because someone who merely had an interest in navigation could decide to do all the theory courses for their own sake without ever setting foot in a boat, and the ICC is primarily meant to ensure you can manoeuvre without crashing into things or otherwise being a nuisance.
Of course, Richard himself is obviously more than sufficiently competent for an ICC, and maybe there's an argument that the RYA should allow it to be issued on the basis of experience, but that's completely separate from the question about Yachtmaster theory. Personally I don't think it's so unreasonable that the RYA's policy is "if you're so experienced, you'll have no difficulty demonstrating it in a couple of hours with an assessor". Indeed, as a document with international legal significance, they may very well not be allowed to issue it without either an equivalent qualification or an in-person assessment.
I keep meaning to take one in Croatia but I have never got around to booking it as we just want to get off to the islands etc in the time we have.