Aqua-Star Watch this Space Diary


New member
10 Mar 2007
boat in costa del sol
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Ok Guys – an update on the situation –
We are haggling with Aqua-Star as to the final price – This has taken the form of Begging E-mails – suggesting that we may be able to afford it – if the price was reduced to ---- We are currently awaiting a reply to our last mail of about 10days ago. I am not concerned at the time interval as we are seeking a considerable reduction on various EXTRAS – To be honest we think they should be included in the spec for the new boat – well we shall see – I recon that this is one of the most important times in purchasing a new boat – lets face it – once the price has been fixed, it will only go up from that point!!
We have decided to sell our main residence to help pay for the boat – so if anyone wants a 7 bedroom pile in Cookham Dean Berkshire – let me know!!
We have been here for 34 yrs and although it is a magnificent home – Its time to move on.
The property is up for 2,2 mill and we shall set aside the money for the new boat and then build for ourselves a three bed ( small house) that we can return to England to – as and when. My goodness when I think of how our lives have changed! We are now really living our dreams – Out to the Med once a mth for at least 10 days for the past 3 yrs – Using our beloved Squadron as our bolt hole – what fun!!!!! WHATCH THIS SPACE /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


New member
10 Mar 2007
boat in costa del sol
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Ok guys, - An update - We have just received a reply to our letter and unfortunately Aqua-Star say they cannot reduce the price any further. This puts us in a quandary should we now go to America for a sea trial of the Flemming? Although we think the Aqua-Star is the better boat the Flemming is VERY nice and due to the Dollar - an atractive price!! the funny thing is that if Aqua-Star had just met us half way we would have abandoned the idea of the Flemming and signed up with Aqua-Star. At the end of the day it comes down that say 10,000 pounds on a boat selling at 1.4mill could tip the balance of buy or not to buy. - We shall see -- WATCH THIS SPACE.


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1 Jun 2001
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you should be on commission Paul - either you've increased Marlow's order book ( with TC's help) or recent used Marlows must be going like hot cakes.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
I actually think I can count 4 with a possible 5 sold as a direct consequence of my involvement ........ I really should be on commision /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Mind you - they sell themselves because of their inovation, quality and company service. hence the long wait for any Marlow and a second hand list reduced to zero.

I should have kept my mouth shut - the waiting list would have been shorter!

I am also intrigued by one new potential boat:-

Spacious 65 footer.
over 4000 miles range and over 2 nm per gallon at 9 knots.
Top speed over 35 knots.
Economic 20 knot cruising speed 0.5 Nm per gallon.
Very stable - little roll etc.
Great fuel consumption at even 30 knots.
Can dry out.

............ that new boat is also in the race.


Active member
4 Apr 2005
Looking out of the window
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I am also intrigued by one new potential boat:-

Spacious 65 footer.
over 4000 miles range and over 2 nm per gallon at 9 knots.
Top speed over 35 knots.
Economic 20 knot cruising speed 0.5 Nm per gallon.
Very stable - little roll etc.
Great fuel consumption at even 30 knots.
Can dry out.

............ that new boat is also in the race.

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be built down under by any chance?


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
There is no keeping secrets with you lot is there!!!

Give you a sniff and you have the spec down to the last flippin detail!!! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Yes its a Power Cat from down under with a hydrofoil!!!

I really though tthat my spec would give me a bit of fun before telling but nope ...... too many of you right on the ball even down to country of manufacture and the hydrofoil!!!!!!

I am looking at them - yes. Marlow still the favourite but want to explore Power Cats because they are very good at speed as well as offering a 4000 mile range with over 2 mpg.

I will post a video of one later

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