Anyone want a FREEBIES holiday / delivery trip ?


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14 Aug 2017
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Dont forget heating. :)

Yes, and one person's baggage allowance on a locost flight will be used up by their various wooly hats, socks, gloves, mittens, sweaters, long underwear, boots, fleeces, winter oilskins, L-J, PLB, etc etc, leaving room for 1 toothbrush and 1 credit card..
not meaning to be negative just realistic..


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10 Apr 2006
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Something you should make sure of Mr Clarke is that your crew have all the documentation they need to satisfy a check or a boarding at sea. Security has recently become tighter. I have survived checks in Holland, Belgium and France. I was the owner, I carried the bill of sale etc.

Your skippers must have your contact number so that you can iron out any queries.

Require your skippers to log their passage plans and progress with each local Coastguard. Doing that will reassure the Authorities that the voyage is legitimate. (Bad guys tend not to do this)

Good luck Mr Clarke. (I would've been interested to sail for you when I was younger)


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18 Jan 2003
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Yes, and one person's baggage allowance on a locost flight will be used up by their various wooly hats, socks, gloves, mittens, sweaters, long underwear, boots, fleeces, winter oilskins, L-J, PLB, etc etc, leaving room for 1 toothbrush and 1 credit card..
not meaning to be negative just realistic..
Just wear it all on the flight that way it doesn't eat into your allowance.


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24 Jun 2007
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You're probably right, but you've come on to a mainly UK site to recruit crew so no surprise the discussion is mainly around UK regs.

I guess the skipper and crew could always get PI insurance - albeit as they're not professionals then maybe Amateur Indemnity Insurance.

Skippers liability insurance, through Fastnet who are about the only UK provider, is c. £400/year - there are no options. So, were I interested (I'm not), I'd want that covered


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3 Apr 2009
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Skippers liability insurance, through Fastnet who are about the only UK provider, is c. £400/year - there are no options. So, were I interested (I'm not), I'd want that covered

Interesting. I pay less than that for my 43 footer. However for a trip like this I think I'd want something. Remember the MoBo guy who lost his house over a £50 delvery where they hit a buoy in the Needles Channel.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2012
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I think a lot of you are over thinking it.
Is it a commercial voyage? Very likely. So what if boat is coded and insured for the voyage? The question is the skipper and crew qualified.
Is it a delivery or a charter? does it matter.
Distance? time of year? long way not ideal. So time frame is important.


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7 Dec 2002
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Word of caution. The Med in the winter is no doddle. A few weeks ago there were 125mph winds in Corsica.

Having experienced 87 knts in Corsica in August (albeit safely tied up in Bonifacio) personally I would like to have a certain flexibility in the dates.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2012
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I suppose I depends how you look at it.
How much would I charge to do a delivery trip? Probably more than most potential clients would consider ecanomicaly viable.
I have heard many deliveries are done by a paid delivery skipper who brings along extra unpaid crew. The unpaid crew may or may not get some expenses paid. The argument is they a paid in kind by gaining experience.
My thought delivery skippers and companies are to quote this threads term “taking the piss”

Reality of a long voyage with some offshore legs. You need a minimum of two experienced persons on board to keep watch preferably 3 persons on board even with an auto pilot.
I don’t work for free.
This apeals to me as a form of bartering. Owner of charter boat is offering a free holiday in return for moving the boat from A to B.
I wouldn’t be doing it for financial gain. I can gain more by doing other stuff. Which is work. Sailing I do for fun. If the trip holds the prospect of being interesting or fun. I might be interested.

A sailing trip in the med might be interesting and fun. Yes I am aware the weather in the Med can suck big time in February and March. It can also be quite pleasant. The important part is have you the time to be selective about when to sail and when discretion says stay in the marina and go enjoy a nice cafe.

The big issue for me would be when I say. How would you like to go sailing next week deer.

The reply is likely to be. Have fun I see you when you come home.
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Well-known member
24 Jun 2007
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What exactly does that insurance cover?

From the website...
Skippers Liability
Fastnet Marine have identified the need for a specific insurance for freelance self-employed Skippers. We have designed a unique policy which provides protection for Skippers’ legal liability for loss or damage to the yacht under their command as well as Third Party Liability, and which is aimed at Skippers carrying out yacht deliveries, chartering, tuition, corporate hospitality and other activities for which they are professionally qualified. This is a simple, fixed price dedicated policy, and the only one of its kind.
I dont have a current copy of the policy to hand so if you wanted to know more give them a call, their office is in Shamrock Quay


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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I think a lot of you are over thinking it.

Spot on. Insured boat, what on earth are all these barriers going up for???

It's only around 900miles. 7 days. Plus one more to get the boat ready and a zillion pit stops available on the way. Easy, don't know why some are making such a fuss over something so simple.

Would I do it? Well if I was sat about, of course. Sounds great. Good luck and fair winds to whoever goes.


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10 Aug 2015
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Morning all,

Wow I hadn't expected this forum to generate so much debate but I'm grateful for all the feedback and thoughts!

The forum does good, its prompted me to rip my insurance apart looking for the loopholes mentioned earlier in this thread, I cant find any but will get in writing before allowing anyone to set off an agreement from the insurer mandating exactly what we will be doing, who we'll be doing it with etc, you can be assured that I wont overlook this.

The weather is another common theme, yep - its the bugbear of this particular trip, we all know what it involves and I'll make sure any potential skipper does also. I'd love to do it in summer but the boats need to hit the start of the charter season. Other than that we'd like them there by a particular date we wont push skippers to hit a deadline, if they need to hide in port to miss a storm we'd much rather them do this than take the risk, we'd like the skippers and the boats in one piece when they arrive - if that means it takes an extra fortnight then so be it.

The equipment - Both boats will be fully equipped to include EPRIBS, Autohelm, Liferafts, PLBS, LIfejackets, Ropes, Buckets, Dinghys, Pendants etc etc, pretty much you name it and it should be there, if its not and skipper wants it, within reason probably we'll put it aboard.
The two items that we're not equipping either boat with are Radar and Heating - in practice these items are not cost effective for the Greek charter market and we cant justify putting them aboard for just this trip unfortunately.

The flights and baggage - the short of this is we'll make the allowance that needs to be made, this will probably be a 25kg bag each + carry on which should be enough but if needed I'll simply drive a van down from the UK full of skippers gear.

Finally I've had a lot of responses on the ol' PM's - I'm sorry to those of that have contacted me through this channel that I havent been back to these yet, I'll get onto it today.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
Clearly this has not been though through or somebody wants something for nothing.

The OP really needs to speak to the professionals in the business and understand what he needs to do about getting the two boats moved.

Personally, I'd asking why the OP is not skippering one of the boats if it that urgent that they are moved at the end of the month; nothing stopping him doing two delivery runs unless he wants something for nothing.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2012
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Skippers liability insurance, through Fastnet who are about the only UK provider, is c. £400/year - there are no options. So, were I interested (I'm not), I'd want that covered


I would get insurance to cover me and my company. If I was a professional delivery skipper. Doing lots of deliveries.

In this instance. The insurance company have been or will be fully informed of the plan. They have said they are happy. Its covered.
Generally speaking insurance cover problems come up. When you do stuff without telling the insurance company. Or don't do what they tell you to do.

The only issue which might be a concern is some doubt about the commercial or non commercial nature of the voyage.
The reason would be the codeing if its a British boat. No clue how Greek or French rules apply and only a generally vauge knowledge of the British rules.
Code 0 Oceans and the like.
Code 1 ? Code 2? note sure exactly think its 60 miles from refuge(Might be Land, Does Rockall count?)
Anywho the South of France is a big place. Got to go down round Italy then across to Greece. Haven't measured any distances. If its a commercial voyage stay within 60 miles. So longest leg offshore between islands 120. You don't have to stop but you do have to stay within.
Ensuring the boat is covered for the voyage is wise. Assuming its commercial and sticking to within code limits also wise.

Simple principle. If its not legal, you are not insured. Even if you have your own policy. Don't drink and drive.
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Well-known member
24 Jun 2007
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Trust mostly. We have a bloke who tells us he'll be chartering the yachts once they get to thier destination yet he's looking to minimise the cost of getting them to that destination - no different to the bigger charter outfits but some employ thier own people to deliver thier boats over that route, others have put it up as a low cost charter. I'd want to be sure of cover for the possibility of any personal liability for damage or loss ocurring when the boat is my responsibility


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20 Mar 2002
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I would get insurance to cover me and my company. If I was a professional delivery skipper. Doing lots of deliveries.

In this instance. The insurance company have been or will be fully informed of the plan. They have said they are happy. Its covered.
Generally speaking insurance cover problems come up. When you do stuff without telling the insurance company. Or don't do what they tell you to do.

The only issue which might be a concern is some doubt about the commercial or non commercial nature of the voyage.
The reason would be the codeing if its a British boat. No clue how Greek or French rules apply and only a generally vauge knowledge of the British rules.
Code 0 Oceans and the like.
Code 1 ? Code 2? note sure exactly think its 60 miles from refuge(Might be Land, Does Rockall count?)
Anywho the South of France is a big place. Got to go down round Italy then across to Greece. Haven't measured any distances. If its a commercial voyage stay within 60 miles. So longest leg offshore between islands 120. You don't have to stop but you do have to stay within.
Ensuring the boat is covered for the voyage is wise. Assuming its commercial and sticking to within code limits also wise.

Simple principle. If its not legal, you are not insured. Even if you have your own policy. Don't drink and drive.

I think you keep missing the point. The owner and boat are covered but the insurance company and crew members could still go after the uninsured skipper so that's why they need personal liability insurance or risk losing everything if they make a mistake that is held to be their fault.


Forum Moderation Team
15 Jun 2012
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This thread has raised many significant legal and delivery sailing points. Both the OP and contributors have given freely of their requirements and their experience, and the thread is a rich source of information for yacht owners and potential crew alike.

Please keep posts civil and unabrasive, so that the thread can continue to develop within the Ts&Cs.
