Anyone Sailed A Fisher 34/37.


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15 Mar 2011
Nr Macclesfield
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It seems that some had two heads and some did not etc. Were they almost semi customizable at the build stage?

(P.S Finally switched from an e39 to an e60 and have grown to love it. 530i)

I believe they were semi-custom built in Fairways days and certainly were in Northshore's. Remember during my time there an F37 going being built with a bath and a rather large calorifier:eek: Revised head and fwd cabin layout.

I don't think the aft cabins were too popular due to no cockpit. Great accommodation though especially if got one with the later quarter cabin thus giving three sleeping cabins + saloon.

Good luck with the E60 and ditch the run flat tyres in favour of some proper rubber and a space saver!!


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26 Sep 2012
Lisbon / Haifa
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18 Nov 2001
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Haven't sailed one, but I covet the one moored next to me, it's the deck house which appeals, warm, dry and panoramic views.

Make the helmsman as comfy as a tractor driver, seems like a good idea to me.
For a fraction of the price, a Claymore 30 does all that. I know someone who has one and can confirm all the above. The 4 pot ex-BMC taxi engine is the sophisticated yachtee's propulsion of choice.


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12 Feb 2012
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dewent, loads of knowledge and experience on this website forum

Northshore say that the 34 sloop sails best of their range. I have a F34 Mk 111. Between mid April and mid June this year I took her round UK mainland ie Stornoway, Cape Wrath, Pentland Firth but not Orkney - 62 days, 37 ports visited, solo. For your sailing area and months it is the only boat I'd want.

You don't say if you are looking at second hand, or commissioning a new one. If new, PM me and I'll give you some pointers for the build stage, additional stuff I wouldn't be without, etc.
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29 Oct 2018
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Owned a Fisher 34 for 6 years now, Mark 1 1979, Fairway Marine Built. Attended a talk recently by David Skelton at the Royal Southern, he says the original Fairway Marine built ones were built on the Hamble, and were largely standard layout. The later Northshore ones were semi custom built ( so much more variable layout). That aside mine was a project until about 2019 when it became less of a project. Not an experienced sailor ( first boat) but she seems to sail well on a beam reach in about 10knots of apparent, will sail up to about 50 degrees off the wind. The ketch rig makes sail handling easier, especially in strong winds. Cannot compare her with anything else but am very happy pottering about the south coast and northern France in winter as well as summer.