Another Brick in the Wall.


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2 Dec 2018
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Has anyone asked , are we going to need a EU or even individual country visas ? Like visiting most ( / all ) other countries , heaven forbid


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12 Oct 2009
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Has anyone asked , are we going to need a EU or even individual country visas ? Like visiting most ( / all ) other countries , heaven forbid

I think we will just require a visa waiver. I believe it's €7, lasts for three years and covers the entire Schengen area.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Good rant but if you belong to one the UK Armed Forces, provided your boat is UK registered you can fly the appropriate flag.

Guy in front of me is a retired Gunner and flys their flag with pride.
IF the boat is UK registered. IF THE BOAT IS UK REGISTERED. If the boat is UK registered. You really and truly don,t get it do you. How many times does it have to be repeated that if you are resident in another EU state, your boat cannot be registered in the stae of your citizenship. I am not allowed to register my boat in the UK unless I am a UK resident. I am resident in Sweden. Only ONE 183 rule can fit in any one year. I was a legal resident before Sweden joined the EU I have watched the Sweden I knew be virtually destroyed by Open borders. Malmo is now a no-go area. The EU could not care less.

You make statements that nobody knows what will happen next year. You are wrong. The EU is already stitched up with laws of citizenship and laws of access to residency. They are not going to change them. The UK has tried to walk away from the talks. What happened? The EU dispatched their team to london to drag them back to Brussels by their ears. An utter humiliation. The EU will decide who and when folk from outside the EU can sail their little plastic boats around the coasts of Europe and that was decided long ago. You will be allowed 90 days rolling. Residency rules are already in place. You just need to read them. There is no legal way you will be able to get round them unless you adopt Vics method and dig a tunnel under the walls and hope you will not be noticed. Fat chance. With computers and VI face recognition you will run foul of somebody. Accept it. Read the rules now in place. Plan for a legal stay of just 90 days in 180. Get used to it. Europe is under the Jackboot yet I still hope the UK holds firm and can crawl away from under it. Tou as a third world state will be allowed 90 rolling days. Your boat can stay if the mooring charges are paid via a recognised marina or boatyard.


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12 Oct 2009
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IF the boat is UK registered. IF THE BOAT IS UK REGISTERED. If the boat is UK registered.

I could be wrong, but I believe that Part 1 registration is possible by appointing an individual who is resident in the UK as a representative. SSR is for residents only.

Your boat can stay if the mooring charges are paid via a recognised marina or boatyard.

I'm not sure that how and where you pay for your mooring is relevant, is it?


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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IF the boat is UK registered. IF THE BOAT IS UK REGISTERED. If the boat is UK registered. You really and truly don,t get it do you. How many times does it have to be repeated that if you are resident in another EU state, your boat cannot be registered in the stae of your citizenship. I am not allowed to register my boat in the UK unless I am a UK resident. I am resident in Sweden. Only ONE 183 rule can fit in any one year. I was a legal resident before Sweden joined the EU I have watched the Sweden I knew be virtually destroyed by Open borders. Malmo is now a no-go area. The EU could not care less.

You make statements that nobody knows what will happen next year. You are wrong. The EU is already stitched up with laws of citizenship and laws of access to residency. They are not going to change them. The UK has tried to walk away from the talks. What happened? The EU dispatched their team to london to drag them back to Brussels by their ears. An utter humiliation. The EU will decide who and when folk from outside the EU can sail their little plastic boats around the coasts of Europe and that was decided long ago. You will be allowed 90 days rolling. Residency rules are already in place. You just need to read them. There is no legal way you will be able to get round them unless you adopt Vics method and dig a tunnel under the walls and hope you will not be noticed. Fat chance. With computers and VI face recognition you will run foul of somebody. Accept it. Read the rules now in place. Plan for a legal stay of just 90 days in 180. Get used to it. Europe is under the Jackboot yet I still hope the UK holds firm and can crawl away from under it. Tou as a third world state will be allowed 90 rolling days. Your boat can stay if the mooring charges are paid via a recognised marina or boatyard.

I completely get it; me and the guy in front are both former members of the British Armed Forces and both hold dual British and Portuguese residency and our boats are registered on the SSR. We both fly the flags of our respective service associations or the red duster as suits.

Can’t comment on your peculiar circumstances and situation

Glad to hear you know what will happen next year. Rest of us don’t.?

Enjoyed the rest of your rant but think you might need to calm down and take a deep breath, else you could be carried off with a heart attack before we get to 31/12.?

Oh yes, this rant is possibly in the wrong forum?
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Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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How many times have you demanded that posts that do not centre around you and Portugal should be moved somewhere else. This post started about uk sailers sailing in the EU with a non EU citizenship next year. Yet it offends you as usual because as far as you are concerned the rules Portugal accept (at this time) are what is important. Greece and the the med countries are not important and should be moved to the lounge. Pack it in, this forum is NOT about Nortada and Portugal. Stop it, you are getting to be a bore.

The rules for residency are still based on the 183 day rule. It is simply not possible to fit dual residency into one calender year. The present situation where a citizen of an EU member state can also have residency in another EU state is simply smoke and mirrors and only looks like dual residency.

This is obviously because residency cannot be denied to a citizen of his citizencship yet appears in practice to be the same as residency in a member state where he is not a citizen. The rules for registration of a yacht are NOT met with the citizens state IF he has legal residency in another member state. The yacht MUST be registerd in the state of residence. Your holy Portugal may be turning a blind eye because UK is still a member in transition. You are consistently misleading people on this forum that because your buddies in Portugal fly a flag of citizenship rather than the official flag of residence than you must be right because they get away with it. Wait until next year when the citizenship of a UK yachtsman becomes a very important issue.

This post is in the yachting and boating section of ybw. Get used to it.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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How many times have you demanded that posts that do not centre around you and Portugal should be moved somewhere else.


As to not holding dual residency? Like many other Brits, I currently hold UK and Portuguese residency.

Unfortunately, I do not understand the rest of your message. Your juxtaposition of citizenship an citizenship is rather confusing.

As to the increasingly personal nature of your comments, this is not really the place for personal attacks.

Nevertheless, I am sorry if my observations are working you up. If it makes you feel a bit better please feel free to continue.

I will leave it there and others can judge and maybe comment as they see fit.
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I think we will just require a visa waiver. I believe it's €7, lasts for three years and covers the entire Schengen area.

If this comes to pass, most Brits visiting the EU would not need EU residency but would need to get adequate health cover or self-insure.

Provided that their boat was in the EU on 31/12, it should retain it’s EU VAT paid status so no problems on that score. Even though it is a complete red-herring, possibly a T2L could provide a bit more insurance❓

So what chance this visa waiver will come to pass❓How to apply❓Sounds almost too good to be true. Fingers and toes crossed??
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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At last some good news ???
I think nothing going to change and we have free movement within the EU .
NOW before I'm shouted down , yes it my option silly as it maybe and ofcause it's won't happen .
but that's all it was my wishful option just like all the other option here and other posting . The fact is no one still know what's going to happen .


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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How many times have you demanded that posts that do not centre around you and Portugal should be moved somewhere else. This post started about uk sailers sailing in the EU with a non EU citizenship next year. Yet it offends you as usual because as far as you are concerned the rules Portugal accept (at this time) are what is important. Greece and the the med countries are not important and should be moved to the lounge. Pack it in, this forum is NOT about Nortada and Portugal. Stop it, you are getting to be a bore.

The rules for residency are still based on the 183 day rule. It is simply not possible to fit dual residency into one calender year. The present situation where a citizen of an EU member state can also have residency in another EU state is simply smoke and mirrors and only looks like dual residency.

This is obviously because residency cannot be denied to a citizen of his citizencship yet appears in practice to be the same as residency in a member state where he is not a citizen. The rules for registration of a yacht are NOT met with the citizens state IF he has legal residency in another member state. The yacht MUST be registerd in the state of residence. Your holy Portugal may be turning a blind eye because UK is still a member in transition. You are consistently misleading people on this forum that because your buddies in Portugal fly a flag of citizenship rather than the official flag of residence than you must be right because they get away with it. Wait until next year when the citizenship of a UK yachtsman becomes a very important issue.

This post is in the yachting and boating section of ybw. Get used to it.
I think you have a good point there , if you need to be in a country for a min of 183 days how can you be a resident of two country at the same time ?
Unless some one re invent how May days there is in any year :)


Well-known member
3 Dec 2012
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I think nothing going to change and we have free movement within the EU .
NOW before I'm shouted down , yes it my option silly as it maybe and ofcause it's won't happen .
but that's all it was my wishful option just like all the other option here and other posting . The fact is no one still know what's going to happen .
I think it’s just you who doesn’t know what’s going to happen at Schengen level vic.


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12 Oct 2009
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Dual residents 2020 (HS302)
Updated 6 April 2020

From Dual residents 2020 (HS302)

"If you live in the UK and another country and both countries tax your income, you’re a dual resident."

So, perhaps dual residency is in fact a tax term, rather than one relating to domicile/where you live?

Anyway, that's the end of my light reading links!!! :)


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I think it’s just you who doesn’t know what’s going to happen at Schengen level vic.
Really :) must be me then .
So many stuff been suggested only to find some weeks later every thing had changed .
Plus what one EU country doesn't don't mean another one will ,
Will Malta start stamping passport ? There haven't so for for non EU so why should they start now ?
Will Italy make it easier for a non eu sailor to get a stamp in or out then it has been ?
Will Greece apply the rules right across Greece ?
You only to have to look at all the residency talk and now all these other stuff may effect if you become resident in another EU country , and I guess as time goes on and government want money money there going to be other complication .
I been about too long sailing all over the EU and non EU country to except what the EU says will be put into every EU country .
Good luck to every one , I reckoned it's going to be a free for all depending how you play the game .


Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Really :) must be me then .
So many stuff been suggested only to find some weeks later every thing had changed .
Plus what one EU country doesn't don't mean another one will ,
Will Malta start stamping passport ? There haven't so for for non EU so why should they start now ?
Will Italy make it easier for a non eu sailor to get a stamp in or out then it has been ?
Will Greece apply the rules right across Greece ?
You only to have to look at all the residency talk and now all these other stuff may effect if you become resident in another EU country , and I guess as time goes on and government want money money there going to be other complication .
I been about too long sailing all over the EU and non EU country to except what the EU says will be put into every EU country .
Good luck to every one , I reckoned it's going to be a free for all depending how you play the game .

So, how does a cruising American, for example, navigate through the EU on an extended cruise without a passport stamp in Malta, or Greece, or... It must be possible if sought? Don't forget, this isn't completely new territory - we're just changing sides!


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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So, how does a cruising American, for example, navigate through the EU on an extended cruise without a passport stamp in Malta, or Greece, or... It must be possible if sought? Don't forget, this isn't completely new territory - we're just changing sides!
Without sounding rude if you like to get out into the real world you would know how , I posted the info so many time before I not going to keep repeating myself . Many non European cruisers can get nearly six month , yes rule s are bend but hey that's what rules are for , I can assure you while some will be chasing the ass trying to sort out problem many many other Brit as well as other non EU cruisers will be doing as they been doing for years .

By the way I didn't say Greece didn't stamp passport ,


Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Without sounding rude if you like to get out into the real world you would know how , I posted the info so many time before I not going to keep repeating myself . Many non European cruisers can get nearly six month , yes rule s are bend but hey that's what rules are for , I can assure you while some will be chasing the ass trying to sort out problem many many other Brit as well as other non EU cruisers will be doing as they been doing for years .

By the way I didn't say Greece didn't stamp passport ,

Ouch! Why the dig?!? I'm afraid that I can't help my timing, nor could I stop the stupidity of Brexit single handed!

Perhaps you could be so kind as to point me to one of your previous posts that explain how a non-EU citizen can stay in the EU legally for more than 90/180? I understand that there may be other visitor's visas available, but I don't recall very much discussion on here about them?

I'm sorry, but in this instance, I'm not interested in bending rules. I do not wish to be barred from the EU!