Anchors. I hate to do this but...

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31 Jan 2008
It's clear that the Rocna guarantee is only against manufacturing defects. It's only for the initial purchaser (quaintly saying "Good for the lifetime of the original purchaser" so, if it kills you ...tough :rolleyes:). Corrosion of the galvanizing isn't covered.

"Corrosion of the galvanizing isn't covered." Not quite true ...

Because I had received no response to my emails to Rocna support I once started a thread here headed "Rusting Rocna":
"In 2008 I ordered a 15kg Rocna anchor from the then European distributor in Holland."
"After one year of exposure, 13 day's of usage in 7 different anchorages, none of which were in other than sand or mud, the anchor has significant rust spots on the upper stock where the galvanising has gone."​
Immediately there was a posting from Rocna (not Craig, he has no formal position in the company) claiming that I must have missed their response, :rolleyes:, and admitting that the supplied photos were sufficient evidence that the rusting was due to a manufacturing fault and they would cover the cost of re-galvanising.

Long story short; after a long and difficult procedure to get the anchor to an Italian factory, then to collect it, the €20 cost was indeed credited to my bank account. But without any response or comment whatsoever when I sent a PDF attachment of the invoice - I had to check my bank statement for a while to know that Rocna had indeed honoured their promise.

So yes, "corrosion of the galvanising" IS covered - sort of.


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26 Feb 2011
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Rocna or Rocna

Let me get this right

Craig, The Mouth, has been insulting yachtsment with 40 years experiance, rejecting any test data from reputable magazines, slandering journalists and denigrating any other anchor manufacturer - but he has no sailing experiance, has never had responsibility for anchoring a yacht (or its crew) and (it now turns out) has no responsiblity to the current owners of the Rocna name and as far as we know might never have seen an anchor in his life. His only claim to fame is that he has the same surname as the man who developed the Rocna anchor.

Yet people find the 'anchor wars' entertaining?! Would these people like to stand up now and be counted? We even had an Australian distributor in Brisbane of a catamaran manufacturer saying, I paraphrase - 'this is all OK', but then this same catamaran builder suggested that their competitor had gone bankrupt, totally untrue - bankrupt morals maybe?

It is worrying but some people read these threads and expect to gain valuable information. Information on which they can act in good faith. People read these threads not for their entertainment value but for solid information based on hard won experiance. Whereas it is impossible for YBW to catch and filter every charlatan it must be possible for a group of forum members to look beyond the fiction and stand and be counted beside Fortress, Manson, Anchor Right, Spade et al.

It gets worse - unless the current owners of the Rocna name live on Mars, or under a stone, they have known every word of The Mouths rantings - but have taken no steps to close him down. After all he has said he is 'affiliated' with Rocna (can someone please translate what 'affilated means in NZ and what it means in the rest of The World). So they support him (but wait - expect them to cut him loose, but do not totally blame him, they did support him - you do the maths!) Personally I have grave doubts about the ethics, promises, statements, guarantees of such organisations. There is a suggestion that The Mouth has multiple personalities - look at the YBW thread - is 50m of chain enough - and check the number of times 'Rocna' is mentioned, check your local marina for Rocna owners, you do the maths! It seems Rocna owners spend more time on the forums than sailing, or maybe they are 'The Mouth personalities 1-infinity'.

Once you have added up the numbers, checked the threads, thought about it - agreed or otherwise, send your comments to both Rocna and YBW. If you want the forums to be useful, rather than entertaining - now is a good time to make your voice heard. If you think Rocna are encouraging a useful service, then I am sure they will value you support.

'A clever man has something to say, a good talker is not always clever' With sincere aplogies to Confucius.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Let me get this right

Craig, The Mouth, has been insulting yachtsment with 40 years experiance, rejecting any test data from reputable magazines, slandering journalists and denigrating any other anchor manufacturer - but he has no sailing experiance, has never had responsibility for anchoring a yacht (or its crew) and (it now turns out) has no responsiblity to the current owners of the Rocna name and as far as we know might never have seen an anchor in his life. His only claim to fame is that he has the same surname as the man who developed the Rocna anchor.

Yet people find the 'anchor wars' entertaining?! Would these people like to stand up now and be counted? We even had an Australian distributor in Brisbane of a catamaran manufacturer saying, I paraphrase - 'this is all OK', but then this same catamaran builder suggested that their competitor had gone bankrupt, totally untrue - bankrupt morals maybe?

It is worrying but some people read these threads and expect to gain valuable information. Information on which they can act in good faith. People read these threads not for their entertainment value but for solid information based on hard won experiance. Whereas it is impossible for YBW to catch and filter every charlatan it must be possible for a group of forum members to look beyond the fiction and stand and be counted beside Fortress, Manson, Anchor Right, Spade et al.

It gets worse - unless the current owners of the Rocna name live on Mars, or under a stone, they have known every word of The Mouths rantings - but have taken no steps to close him down. After all he has said he is 'affiliated' with Rocna (can someone please translate what 'affilated means in NZ and what it means in the rest of The World). So they support him (but wait - expect them to cut him loose, but do not totally blame him, they did support him - you do the maths!) Personally I have grave doubts about the ethics, promises, statements, guarantees of such organisations. There is a suggestion that The Mouth has multiple personalities - look at the YBW thread - is 50m of chain enough - and check the number of times 'Rocna' is mentioned, check your local marina for Rocna owners, you do the maths! It seems Rocna owners spend more time on the forums than sailing, or maybe they are 'The Mouth personalities 1-infinity'.

Once you have added up the numbers, checked the threads, thought about it - agreed or otherwise, send your comments to both Rocna and YBW. If you want the forums to be useful, rather than entertaining - now is a good time to make your voice heard. If you think Rocna are encouraging a useful service, then I am sure they will value you support.

I'm sorry but this is ridiculous - please get a grip!

Count #1



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31 May 2001
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It is worrying but some people read these threads and expect to gain valuable information. Information on which they can act in good faith. People read these threads not for their entertainment value but for solid information based on hard won experiance.

Err, no. That's PBO's reader to reader forum, where you can discuss different grades of Sikaflex to your heart's content. Scuttlenutt (as it's name implies) has always had an element of entertainment.

Edit: Scuttlenutt was a typo, but I like it, so it's staying.
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26 Feb 2011
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Rocna or Rocna


You replied too quickly.

Please take the time

Go to the thread - is 50m enough etc' and count the number of times Rocna is mentioned. Then go look at 'The Mouth's' expertise and the recent revelation that he does not talk for Rocna, so who does he represent? and then check his sailing expertise.

Then give a reasoned response.

In one part of the Uk we would say of The Mouth, 'All talk and no trousers'

and I for onje would love to be proved wrong!


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Then go look at 'The Mouth's' expertise and the recent revelation that he does not talk for Rocna, so who does he represent? and then check his sailing expertise.

I'm sorry (again) but this is just rude, plain and simple, and I am pretty sure that your posts will soon be removed. This gives me no joy as I am happy to see all shades of opinion on this forum but this is just not necessary. :(



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31 Oct 2005
Me: South Oxfordshire. Boat, Galicia NW Spain
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Young Craig, at present you have two representatives from companies whose products you have trashed for several years right here in your forum playground.

And now, are you going to "man up" as previously stated, by answering the hard questions put to you by us and the others in this forum, or are you going to remain the "boy child" you appear to be......just a naughty kid who hides behind his computer monitor and causes trouble for Daddy's competitors for his own fun and sick amusement???

We learned tonight that you can't even speak on behalf of Rocna, so why else are you here? What you might not be mature enough to understand is that Manson and I work very hard for our fine, reputable companies and we support our families in doing so......but to you this is all one great big joke, since obviously you do not share any of our same responsibilities.

Your coy little "hide and seek" game that you play on the forums is shameful....."I'll trash you but you'll never catch me!" Just pathetic.

Now, do you want those questions again.....or is it your turn to go hide?

As I see it, the main problem is that you have fallen into the trap of slagging off one another in personal terms rather than sticking to facts that are able to be substantiated.

From all these very good anchors.......
How many Spade anchors are reputed to have been damaged, broken of fail to regularly set?
If Rocna is as bad as you suggest, how many fall apart and fail to regularly set?
Is the Manson having built in weaknesses due to a long slot and its laminated make-up and is the Fortress an anchor prone to resetting problems and breakages?
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Well-known member
2 Jul 2005
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E-mail Rocna and ask them directly if you want something on the record, if you're concerned by the above little games. The legalese of "lifetime warranties" that extend beyond the provisions of normal consumer law are normal business safeguards to stop people taking the proverbial. I don't represent Rocna Ltd, no.


I would like an official response. Fortress and Manson have made their warranty position clear and it would be nice of Rocna should do the same.
I have E-mailed Rocna directly and with their permission, will publish the answer here or on a new post


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12 Jul 2005
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Are these some of them Rockna thingies??


:D :D :D
25 Feb 2010
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I've just logged on to rejoin the battle but Google tells me that there's a Tsunami alert in New Zealand and all around that part of the world.

So, I'm going to stand down for 24 hrs and I hope that Craig, Rocna and everyone at Manson are all OK.


Active member
31 Oct 2005
Me: South Oxfordshire. Boat, Galicia NW Spain
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Let me get this right

Craig, The Mouth, has been insulting yachtsment with 40 years experiance, rejecting any test data from reputable magazines, slandering journalists and denigrating any other anchor manufacturer - but he has no sailing experiance, has never had responsibility for anchoring a yacht (or its crew) and (it now turns out) has no responsiblity to the current owners of the Rocna name and as far as we know might never have seen an anchor in his life. His only claim to fame is that he has the same surname as the man who developed the Rocna anchor.

Yet people find the 'anchor wars' entertaining?! Would these people like to stand up now and be counted? We even had an Australian distributor in Brisbane of a catamaran manufacturer saying, I paraphrase - 'this is all OK', but then this same catamaran builder suggested that their competitor had gone bankrupt, totally untrue - bankrupt morals maybe?

It is worrying but some people read these threads and expect to gain valuable information. Information on which they can act in good faith. People read these threads not for their entertainment value but for solid information based on hard won experiance. Whereas it is impossible for YBW to catch and filter every charlatan it must be possible for a group of forum members to look beyond the fiction and stand and be counted beside Fortress, Manson, Anchor Right, Spade et al.

It gets worse - unless the current owners of the Rocna name live on Mars, or under a stone, they have known every word of The Mouths rantings - but have taken no steps to close him down. After all he has said he is 'affiliated' with Rocna (can someone please translate what 'affilated means in NZ and what it means in the rest of The World). So they support him (but wait - expect them to cut him loose, but do not totally blame him, they did support him - you do the maths!) Personally I have grave doubts about the ethics, promises, statements, guarantees of such organisations. There is a suggestion that The Mouth has multiple personalities - look at the YBW thread - is 50m of chain enough - and check the number of times 'Rocna' is mentioned, check your local marina for Rocna owners, you do the maths! It seems Rocna owners spend more time on the forums than sailing, or maybe they are 'The Mouth personalities 1-infinity'.

Once you have added up the numbers, checked the threads, thought about it - agreed or otherwise, send your comments to both Rocna and YBW. If you want the forums to be useful, rather than entertaining - now is a good time to make your voice heard. If you think Rocna are encouraging a useful service, then I am sure they will value you support.

'A clever man has something to say, a good talker is not always clever' With sincere aplogies to Confucius.

Very suspicious when a 'Newbie' comes along spouting what's above.... and what contact have you with those involved I wonder???
I have made comments on this and several other anchor threads.
I do use a Rocna on my boat successfully and a friend has a Spade on his and wouldn't change for anything else.
Other friends and aquaintences use CQR and Kobra2 successfully along with Fortress (mainly as a Kedge anchor)
Two more Rocnas have appeared in my small yard this year so far but not one other new anchor whether it be Manson, Spade, Kobra, Fortress, etc... as yet.
What conclusion anyone can draw from that would of course be valueless, just like the comments from Djbangi.
Please don't get personal just give us all facts, so this thread maintains some credibility.
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Chrusty 1

" so this thread maintains some credibility."

So it retains what??? Really gentlemen, this thread fell on it's arse pages ago! I really cannot believe what I have been reading, from what are supposed to be experienced and intelligent people, whoever said it was entertaining was spot on, but credible??? Oh dear me :D:D

I am truly amazed that this sort of tripe keeps occurring and reoccurring, yes I know I don't have to read it, but it is about a notch up from east benders.........hey don't get to smug, it's a very small notch.

Thanks for the laughs.


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31 Oct 2005
Me: South Oxfordshire. Boat, Galicia NW Spain
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" so this thread maintains some credibility."

So it retains what??? Really gentlemen, this thread fell on it's arse pages ago! I really cannot believe what I have been reading, from what are supposed to be experienced and intelligent people, whoever said it was entertaining was spot on, but credible??? Oh dear me :D:D

I am truly amazed that this sort of tripe keeps occurring and reoccurring, yes I know I don't have to read it, but it is about a notch up from east benders.........hey don't get to smug, it's a very small notch.

Thanks for the laughs.
Yes Chrusty you'r right.
Perhaps it should have read..... gain SOME credibility!

I wonder how long TK thought this thread he started would last though? I bet he has a mischievous smile on his face!


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11 Mar 2011
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Well I am a newbie and this is my FIRST POST. Found the thread when trying to find some interesting reading and scrolled down the list. Saw the word hate and 8,000 readers. Thought it might worth a look.

All I can say is that if bs was music, then that Smitty lad would be a symphony. He needs to take one of those Rocna anchors down to Manson's place with his own film crew and prove his anchor is better, but does Smitty have the marbles to do this? Doubtful. Full of hot air and ready to pop with one small prick.


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20 Jul 2003
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Not sure what all the fuss is about warranties on anchors. If you get a warranty thats fine but to me an anchor is a consumable. Its one of those items you chuck over the side and most times get back. Not sure how many I have lost over the years but its a few and I have had to fix several. Always my fault and not the manufacturer [me].


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26 Feb 2011
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Sincere apologies

My sincerest apologies to those of you who checked the thread 'is 50m enough anchor chain'. It appears that as a result of a previous comment that multiple mentions of the word Rocna in a thread not requiring use of the word might be construed as advertising. Consequently the word, or the contributions (I'm not sure which) have been deleted. Good for you, YBW. I am guessing that use of a brand name inappropriately might be looked at in the future with a bit more caution. If you want to advertise pay up front.

However facts - a bit more difficult - but I did a tour of the 3 biggest Plymouth marinas and did not need one hand to count the Rocnas. There is the same pattern in Scotland, N Wales and NW England. Yet more Rocna owners contribute and feel the need to mention the name, to threads directly or indirectly related to anchors, than any other brand. Obviously it might be that these owners spend more time on their computers but this seems unlikely. In my survey, of the Plymouth marinas, there are as many or more Spades or Kobras as Rocnas - but they seldom contribute to 'anchor' threads and these brands are not 'in your face' all the time.

You tell me why.

Newbies - you need to start sometime. Longevity is not a god given right to being correct it just means your appreciation of entertainment and mine are different. Personally I find being on the water better than typing about it.

Again my sincere apologies to those that searched - and were puzzled.

Have a great night and enjoy the weekend!


Well-known member
2 Jul 2005
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You tell me why.

I don’t think a survey of anchors in marinas. Particularly in one geographical area is all representative .for a few reasons.
The greatest users of high performance anchors are blue water cruisers that anchor a lot of the time and don’t spend much time in marinas.

I have not been in a marina for well over a year.

Blue water cruising boats spend there time in warmer locations.

Anchor distribution is very regional I noted an explosion in the number of boats using Rocna anchors in the Ionian after a distributor was appointed there.

Spade and Kobra anchors are French design and seen more frequently on French boats. French speaking people are less likely to contribute to an English Forum, but I presume would have some representation in English marinas.

In short I don’t think there is any conspiracy. Many serious cruising boats have new generation anchors .If they haven’t got one they are considering getting one. This group has a keen interest in anchoring safety and are often contributors to anchor threads.This group are likely to be under representad in English marinas.
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