I believe the anchor line is useful to take the strain off the electric windlass - is that so? How long an anchor line should I get ? I've got just a 23 foot motorboat.
To protect the windlass you simply need a short strop attached to the chain and a strong point, say a bow cleat. So reply the rode, attach the short strop, deploy another 2' of rode, so the rode between storm on the rode and the windlass is slack - now the tension is on the short strop and your bow attachment point.Thanks
At this length the elasticity is irrelevant (especially if you have the rubber snubber) so may as well go for longevity in the Polyester. With a longer one to the stern it might make a difference.Laid nylon is good, because it's easy to splice and is quite elastic, but it doesn't much like UV. You can also get laid polyester made for mooring lines, which should last longer, and still has some elasticity.
I do now, after having to replace windlass bearings.....
If you have a rubber snubber in the line - do you dig the anchor in (engine reverse) with the snubber in place?
I agree but we use the word snubber to mean 2 different things and both devices are used in a very similar application. Its, maybe, important that you have both devices, one for snatch loads and one to protect the windlass. Its also important that there is no confusion about the 2 roles (and that the windlass protecting 'snubber' offers very little protection from snatch loads - you need an elastic 'snubber').The thread isn't about snubbing, it's about securing the rode to a cleat. For this, a short line as has been described is perfect.
Isn't that what the OP wants to know?Literally how long is a piece of string?
There is no one answer fits all.I believe the anchor line is useful to take the strain off the electric windlass - is that so? How long an anchor line should I get ? I've got just a 23 foot motorboat.
15mm won’t fit on most appropriately sized chain hooks so check before buying. The one I have uses 12mm rope for a 36’ yacht against 10mm chain. This is not the primary rode so doesn’t need sizing as such. The chain should also be secured in case the rope fails, although this would be extremely unlikely.For your 23' motor boat - 1m x 15mm 3 ply + whatever is needed to secure to the chain, chain hook