Amazing Potion


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30 May 2001
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Dear Marj,

As one whose stays in the barbers chair gets shorter with each visit I'm looking for some amazing concoction to aid in the faster/longer growth of hair. Also the old joints seem a little stiffer nowadays, can you please help? Viagra does not seem to be the answer, it's so hard to get hold of.

I have read in almost every thread the amazing results of Soltron - will this do the trick?

Seriously, apart from Depsol has anyone else had experience of Soltron? I almost bought a bottle in Alderney earlier this year, but £20 odd quid seemed a bit steep for a small bottle of who knows what that does, well what exactly does it do?

I searched various American websites last night and found all sorts of *independent* testimonials, also 32 oz bottles for about $30, less than half the UK price. If it really is so good isn't it about time that MBY/MBM do a test in a variety of inboard/outboard boats.

Any one else other than Depsol used this stuff. If so what difference did it make to you.

Will my hair grow again, can it make Mrs LJS look younger......................? Encouraging responses only please.

Yours truly,


Dear LJS I am too looking for that sort of potion,my stay in the chair is very short as well, dont know much about the soltron, judging by my pre filters im lucky not to have the bug YET, see plenty each week that do need it,how about a potion that turns sea water into diesel, been working on that one for a long time, if I manage to come up with it, think il leave the red stuff out!.

Thanks for the copper bot reply.



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6 Oct 2001
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The reason I recommend soltron so much is that I get called out to people with fuel problems and most of the time Soltron is the answer especially for boats.

I had a call from a naval vessel the other day who had the bug, I double dosed with Soltron and now they are running at full speed again. The fuel company they used provides very good fuel however they still ended up with the bug. Soltron also helps to remove up to 13% of water in fuel also, so continuos use ensures ensures the bug does not come back and your fuel stays at the highest level. This will upset matts who thinks it is homebrew snakeoil but in fact Soltron is a complicated enzyme.

If you need a reference from someone who is a 'figurehead' in the boating world go to this link.


If you have a look the anti-fouling thread, I think there are some good practical suggestions there.



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16 May 2001
Chatham, Kent
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Re: It Works...

For me. Have been using it regularly all year with various benefits. The filters initially clogged up but this is the result of a lot of sludge being removed at once. At least this happens at a time of your own choosing and you can be prepared for it.

Since then with regular use I can report reduced fuel consumption, 15 gph from 16 gph. Less smoke, clean filters, no water in fuel seps whatsoever.

Last bought some in Jersey at £20 for 500ml, much cheaper than UK supplier.

We run a 1985 Fairline Turbo 36 with tamd 60c Volvo's. We have run for around 150 hours so far this year.

With the fuel saved, it more than pays for itself, and the other benefits come for free.

A MBM test would appear long overdue.

Dave S


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30 May 2001
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Why is it that this seems to be so much more of a problem with boats than with cars or trucks? I've only ever heard of diesel bug, sludge and water problems on these pages - never in a motoring context and the rate of use on the roads must be much, much higher than on the water.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Anyone have a back issue?

What did it say? I'm intrigued to try this gunk out and will give it a go as soon as I can get some

Depsol there's an edit feature if you change your mind about a post so you dont have to say it twice say it twice :)



Here you go John, but not what you thought

I just knew that the big pile of mags at the side of my bed, which ahve now grown to two four foot piles, would come in useful one day and I found the issue Depsol mentioned.

Maybe not the full blown in-depth test that we all thought Depsol meant?

There’s a question on the dreaded bug and Pat Manley then goes on at great length to expound on various solutions including Algaecides and Fungicides, Water Absorbing Agents, Fuel Conditioning Agents, Magnetic and Catalytic Fuel Conditioners\Enhancers and Enzymes. Under the last heading he mentions Soltron. This is a very long reply and I’m not sitting here all night typing, but will happily fax to anyone who e-mails me his or her fax no.

His quotes

“We’ve just received information”, he writes “on an enzyme product which is claimed to give improved power, fuel economy and exhaust emissions whilst also cleaning the tank and removing water in the fuel. It’s said to be effective for all fossil fuels.

I'll highlight salient points now

Been in use in Japan (where it’s made) and the Far East for a couple of years and USA…..contains an active enzyme claiming to improve combustion efficiency and said to multiply in fuel, feeding on contaminants….results of tests carried out by Queen’s University Belfast show improvements in fuel economy and power, other very limited uncontrolled tests done on a car and boat showed similar results, gains of up to 15% were demonstrated but actual improvements would depend on how the engine was used… average improvements were between 6% and 7%…..smoke emissions have been tested .. all 18 vehicles (vans, cars and buses) showed reduced smoke all meeting new EU standards even when the vehicle had previously failed. All the vehicles seemed to be high mileage and I should like to see tests carried out under controlled conditions on a straight diesel\dosed, diesel/straight diesel basis… it’s said that all emissions are reduced…. Where this product is of particular interest to boats is the claimed ability of the enzyme to prevent the dreaded ‘diesel bug’. Laboratory evidence was produced showing that in a sample of diesel fuel heavily contaminated with both bacterial and fungal growth, there was an almost complete eradication of the contamination after one application… remaining growth was insignificant…..Soltron’s claims of improved power and economy are supported by limited testing and with a price of up to one penny on the cost per litre of treated fuel a financial saving may be expected….if the claims continue to be substantiated this is likely to be the product offering the most advantage for boat owners. I was particularly interested in the way it apparently deals with the diesel bug without the use of algicides and removes sludge….improved fuel consumption and less exhaust emissions are a welcome bonus.


I have very much abbreviated Pat Manley’s page and a half reply, but as you see he was relying on information provided to him by Soltron and not carrying out his own tests. Makes you think though. What if it works, where does all the sludge, water and muck go?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by colin_maslen on Wed Oct 17 22:30:36 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re:thanks colin

Thanks Colin. Much typing, thanks. Yes please fax to 020 7438 3192, no cover sheet needed, it's on my desk.

I am kind of intrigued by this stuff. Def seems worth a go, if the claims are true then big £££ saving and sludge sorted. If not then it's only a £20 punt and I can sue Depsol. I'll try it in car because that should give a reaosnably accurate "control", I mean enuf to show up a 10% or wotever improvement from Soltron. I'll measure consumption starting now, over the next 4-6 tank fulls (it will take me that long to buy Soltron) by noting the fuel qty bought at the pump. Then I'll try the magic soltron and see what happens.

Dunno what happens to the crud. Presum the enzymes "digest" it into something that disolves or stays suspended in the diesel then gets burned??? More interested in whether than how it works



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6 Oct 2001
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Re:thanks colin

I have found that it breaks up the dirt algae sludge & water into very very small particles which pass through the filter and get burnt. Anything that is too big like sand, yes I said sand 'cos I have found that and small stones in one tank on a small freight vessel will need to be picked out of the 'water trap' or centrifugal filter.

Got a sample 'brewing' in the cupboard of algae that came from a naval vessel last week. The algae has been broken down and the fuel has turned back to a more olive oil colour (we dont dye our diesel over here as tax is not levied) than black gunge!! Needless to say that the vessel is back up and running at full speed.

Hope this helps, I also saw someone in PBO refer to it in the Q&A section this year I think?

Other threads that may be of interest
