Advice on Belgium and Netherlands Cruise.


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3 Nov 2017
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On our first trip that way in 1980 we were in company with our club commodore who seemed to know what to do. We ended up too late for the Middleberg bridge and had to tie up to the approaches for the night. It took us a while to realise that the commodore was not to be trusted, something that his wife found out when he went off with someone else. The three couples in the other boat had all split or swapped within the year after that.

Ah yes, the famous swinger bridge of Middleburg...

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Passports at Dieppe is about 30 min walk from port not 10 and has restricted hours - but they are efficient when they deign to open. There is also a preavis form but not sure the passport guys ever looked at it.
Taxi from the bus terminal next to the marina office. Does not take long for a stamp & the driver will wait then drop one off at the pontoon gate. I booked out the day before I left. No one queried that. Just told the immigration chap I was going ASAP. I did not define "ASAP".

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