shorepower connected though 15a cable to halfords batery charger via 13a 30ma rcd. sorry no polarity check .connected to domestic bank. have i missed something?
Halfords battery charger will not fully charge a battery, even if left on for a long time, but will boil it eventually. This is why the much more expensive staged chargers are used in the marine industry. They charge the battery faster, and to a higher level of charge. However, an extra battery is cheaper in the short term than a marine charger, so add another into the circuit on the domestics, remembering that deep discharge or leisure batteries (from caravan shop) are best in the domestics, and a car type battery used for engine start.
I'd generally agree with you that budget chargers aren't the best choice. But I must confess to owning a Halfords Automatic Charger, which I use on my garden tractor battery, and it very cleverly drops to a float charge, so won't boil the battery.
Question is whether the battery charger nagative is connected to the mains earth if it is there may be problems of electrolysis long term. OK for a few hours occasionally. or disconnect the battery positive and negative wires while charging. If the neg is isolated from earth on the chargers that reduces concern. Next suggest an ampmeter so you can see exactly what you are getting into the battery at beginning and end. This will give you a ball park figure of how much charge you have put in, to then compare with the A/H rating of the battery. For an ampmeter you might find it cheapest to buy a multimeter with at least 10 amp scale and some have 20 amp. 10 might be enough, I don't know the charger rating but is probably less than 10a. You can use the multimeter on Ohms resistance to check isolation of the earth to the neg. good luck Will
I also have an Auto Float Halfords job and I have to say it is very good ..... I have left it charging on the boat for months - to return to a full charged and still plenty water in battery.
OK - I agree that 'cheaper' ones that do not have float facility are turn on - turn off jobs - but this one I have now ..... I like.
Regarding Tractors .... I have a problem with my garden tractor ... that the battery goes down over a period and I use a std charger on it .... when down .... it literally goes RIGHT down to near no lights - nothing ... and still comes back up again !!
Yes, Nigel, mine's just the same! You find one day that absolutely nothing happens when you turn the key, yet the battery charges up fine. Yet I find the battery on a garden tractor lasts about 6-7 years.
Don't know full details of 'em - but mine is probably about 20 - 30 A/hr, smaller than a small car battery - even the one that's on my Suzuki...... probably about 20cms long, 14cms wide, and about 15cms deep ??
Given the job they do - mines a 13.5HP Jonsered Garden Tractor - I would assume its similar to a Leisure style - as it does not need to have such high cranking capability etc.
I must admit - I have thought about the domestic side ....... size is great ...... you could have 2 / 3 in place for the one large I carry .... for Domestics. Separate battery for different jobs etc.
Haven't had to buy replacement yet - so no idea of price !! That may change my mind ......
Nice little batteries. Just bought a new one for £25 from Halfords, maintenance-free and a 3-year guarantee. It's a type 038, rated at 265A cranking and 45 minutes reserve at 25A, so I guess it's the equivalent of around 35-40Ah.