Just checked what the "Anonymous people" were viewng. The only duplicates were your post 101 Anonymous Users!,the average date of thread being read was 2003.I think it,s great that you can poke your nose into this forum get some info and pop out again.Bless the World Wide Web for this. I must admit it took me a few weeks of being anonymous before coming out! Don,t like stats but you started it!
Hmm. If they're reading old posts, then perhaps they're search engine webcrawlers?
Or maybe the little green men are planning to come to earth disguised as yacht brokers, and are mugging up on the subject? (Though I guess if that were the case, they'd be trawling for fake Gucci and Ray Ban sites) /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
We've probably got loads more search engines crawling the site than normal, as they'll be trying to figure out all the new URLs since we made the upgrade...