Albert Ross
6 weeks in Western Isles this Summer.
10 best anchorages / places to stop in Outer Hebrides please?
10 best anchorages / places to stop in Outer Hebrides please?
6 weeks in Western Isles this Summer.
10 best anchorages / places to stop in Outer Hebrides please?
Loch Na Cuilsh in the NW corner of Loch Scavaig, not so quiet now there is a tourist boat chugging in and out from Elgol
Garvelochs. I used to go there regularly last time there was a wee niaff from the SNP wanting a landing fee(The former owner donated the Island to the SNP or so I heard WTF. Im a nationalist myself but WTF) The aproach is intricate and the current can be strong. Cool spot though aincient church.
Will you chiels never learn? One wee apparently innocuous question and you're giving away the crown jewels. If the OP really wants the answer, Martin Lawrence's wonderfully pessimistic series of Pilots gives the facts together with grim warnings, or he could go ask the question in "anither place".
Remember no mention of Scottish waters should be made without reference to hidden rocks (some uncharted), sudden unforcastable gales, flocks of man-eating insects, no creature comforts, no vhf/mobile coverage, unfriendly natives, etc., etc. Otherwise your favourite anchorages could get clogged with plastic soap dishes.
Will you chiels never learn? One wee apparently innocuous question and you're giving away the crown jewels. If the OP really wants the answer, Martin Lawrence's wonderfully pessimistic series of Pilots gives the facts together with grim warnings, or he could go ask the question in "anither place".
Remember no mention of Scottish waters should be made without reference to hidden rocks (some uncharted), sudden unforcastable gales, flocks of man-eating insects, no creature comforts, no vhf/mobile coverage, unfriendly natives, etc., etc. Otherwise your favourite anchorages could get clogged with plastic soap dishes.
1. Most fouwk never get farther than Tobe.
2. Thems that do go to Coll or Mallaig-now it's got pontoons.
3. The ones that venture beyond disappear into the utter hemhoroids and are seldom seen.
4. I didn't tell him the really good places, he can find them for himself.
Much concern here that someone may give away the crown jewels .. perhaps this may explain why so much many great places in the "inner Heamorrhoids" have been revealed but few in the utter ones.
I'm looking for opinions and personal experiences of places in the Outer Hs Lewis to Barra .. and BTW what is Stornoway like nowadays for a visiting yacht in July?
I look forward to meeting you rbm.
Are you sure you've got the right island? Eilean MacCormaig Mor off the mouth of Loch Sween was owned by the SNP and is now owned by a trust. They ask for a donation towards upkeep of the island and the nice wee black house visitor centre they've built. Garbh Eileach is one of the Garvellochs, north of the Firth of Lorne, and is privately owned. The southernmost Garvelloch, Eileach an Naoimh, has a ruined chapel and a cell on it, just like Eilean MacCormaig Mor.
Garbh Eileach has a fun wee anchorage on its eastern side, described in the old CCC books as "suitable for one boat in sheltered daytime conditions". When I was young, brave, foolish and desperate I once went it there as second boat, at 3am, in F6. We had a very peaceful night, as it happened, after that.
Yes got them mixed up been to both, both are nice.