Recent content by craigsmith

  1. craigsmith

    Photo story: Greenland

    Here is Peter’s photo story from the Greenlandic west coast, through endless ice and fog, past rock and village, people and animal. Eight pages of photos. Enjoy, and subscribe to email updates from the website directly if you're interested...
  2. craigsmith

    Ascension Island photo story

    Our last entry was from Saint Helena, from there Kiwi Roa was headed transatlantic, stopping over at Ascension Island... Ascension Island Photo Story Two pages of photos. Enjoy, and subscribe to email updates from the website directly if you're interested in future stories. We'll be working...
  3. craigsmith

    Photo story - Saint Helena

    Our last entry was from Namibia, from there Kiwi Roa headed transatlantic, first stop Saint Helena... St. Helena Photo Story (1): Transatlantic Five pages of photos. A print version was also in the February edition of Sailing Today. Enjoy, and subscribe to email updates from the website...
  4. craigsmith

    Photos: Namibia

    Regulars will have seen our South African photo journal, which was basically just Cape Town and surroundings. In the second part of the African “safari”, it’s up the Skeleton Coast, a stop at the old German diamond mining town of Lüderitz, and from the larger town of Walvis Bay into the Namib...
  5. craigsmith

    Photos: South Georgia Island, [yet more] pics...

    Thanks Babylon, Peter passes his appreciation of your comments!
  6. craigsmith

    Photos: South Georgia Island, [yet more] pics...

    Website was down for a few hours, is up again now, try again. Sorry.
  7. craigsmith

    Photos: South Georgia Island, [yet more] pics...

    The video works fine on all the devices I've tested it, does anyone else have issues? Bikedaft you can try the version uploaded here:
  8. craigsmith

    Photos: South Georgia Island, [yet more] pics...

    Thanks all for the comments! 2010. There is the crashed Argie chopper somewhere nearby too, we don't have any pics of it though. Peter says it belongs to a local friend of his, Sam Miller. The story is the boat was actually sailed to the Falklands years ago, by some route, it has had several...
  9. craigsmith

    Photos: South Georgia Island, [yet more] pics...

    Regulars will remember our photos from Antarctica, Patagonia, and the Falklands from a little while ago. It’s been promised for a while, and it’s finally here: Peter’s expedition out into the deep South Atlantic, to remote and inhospitable South Georgia. This is the most extensive write-up and...
  10. craigsmith

    Photos: Staten Island Patagonia & The Falklands, [yet more] pics...

    Cheers all. Gee thanks. Kiwi Roa's still there you know :D. Don't rub it in or I'll tell you about the summer sunshine outside here in Auckland...
  11. craigsmith

    Photos: Staten Island Patagonia & The Falklands, [yet more] pics...

    Just bouncing this with an update to our Falklands journal. Kiwi Roa is still in Stanley and has done a little more cruising around the islands, and a few new photos have been added. Some old friends, and some new ones, turned up in Stanley this year. All are interesting characters that take...
  12. craigsmith

    Anchor Shackle

    Using a bow shackle may help depending on the behavior on the roller - better a soft body finding its way than the edge of the pin. There are other shackle pin configurations available, such as safety-bolt arrangements. If you look at the below link at the photo at the bottom you will see a...
  13. craigsmith

    How much does anchor chain weigh?

    Without knowing the chain standard and pitch you can't say for sure, but most short link chain is going to be a bit more than that. 10 mm shortlink EN or ISO weighs 2.35 kg/m * 60 = 141 kg. Or 311 lb for the unenlightened.
  14. craigsmith

    length of anchor rode

    It depends entirely on where you're wanting to sail. We come to the conclusion that 100 m is about the maximum ever needed by any cruising boat anywhere on the planet, the deeper bits being mostly in the South Pacific and high latitudes. For the UK as Vyv implies it's hard to imagine you needing...
  15. craigsmith

    Anchor - Sealine

    We can calculate that 50 m of 10 mm chain with a height of 7 m requires ~350 kgf to lift off the seabed (angle above zero), assuming the seabed is horizontal. So, if the chain is not being lifted entirely, you know you're seeing less than that much tension. With your 53'er, absent obviously any...