Recent content by beermonkey

  1. B

    Best place in the UK to learn and build experience?

    If budget is no object - why settle for the UK? To be fair, you'll not do badly no matter where you end up. The sailing community is fantastic and welcoming, as well as competitive (spend any time on this forum and you'll see for yourself!) There is great sailing to be had pretty much...
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    Marine toilet and fresh water flush

    Is it true that flushing with fresh water, as opposed to sea-water, stops the accumulation over time of that familiar 'whiff'. Many have made the claim, I'm not sure my snoz has ever been able to tell the difference.
  3. B

    Leech Line

    All depends on your 'style' of sailing. Some like to tune a rig, sail plan and point of sale for maximum efficiency (accordingto ability) and other like to behave like gentlemen and only sail downhill with one had for the boat, one hand for the gin&tonic and one hand for... erm.... All...
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    Day Skipper looking for mileage opportunities

    Well just hold on there pedant; an ICC is required to operate a vessel in EU waters. As the pink-pass is considered to be of a higher standard than the ICC and is accepted by EU authorities, it is indeed a "licence". Well done young fella, me'lad @TrickyD - congrats on your Day Tripper -...
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    Confused ... Re Yyachtinsurance

    Not from the armchair, passive-aggressive insult accepted. A core principal of the GDPR is that it requires the consent of subjects for data processing. If that consent is not explicitly given, and the data is used, it is a breach of the law. If one receives an email from a company one has...
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    Confused ... Re Yyachtinsurance

    To be precise; they can only use your email for "it's intended purpose" which, in the case of a quote, is a mechanism to communicate with you about the quote they are obliged to ask your permission, explicitly, to store your email for any future communication. You have to "opt in" to accept...
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    Confused ... Re Yyachtinsurance

    If they have your personal data (email) on file without your express permission they are in breach of legislation and subject to a fine for each incidence. They are obliged to tell you what data they hold, where they got it and why they are using it.
  8. B

    So the £3000 plus, Ultra anchor was chosen!

    Very true, always very well put together. What else would you expect from a former professional cameraman and mainstream tv journalist?
  9. B

    Serious question for the younger sailors. How do you maintain an income when sailing abroad?

    Be creative - kinda implicit in having a Patreon account. It has become evident that many of them are completely formulaic and devoid of originality, and without an ever-changing backdrop to exploit, their 'creativity' vanishes.
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    ??The Honesty Thread?? Dual Residency, Tax Treaties, Driving Licenses, Boat Taxes, Health Cover & Other Implications Of Life In 2021 & Beyond

    Thanks - I really appreciate the insight, I've asked the question on a separate thread abot the value of FB (and social media in general), as I'm personally hesitant to sign up - it does seem that the benefits can outweigh the 'issues' if one is careful enough about personal info etc.
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    ??The Honesty Thread?? Dual Residency, Tax Treaties, Driving Licenses, Boat Taxes, Health Cover & Other Implications Of Life In 2021 & Beyond

    easy tiger - there are many of us who don't (yet) use facebook - so any sharing of the words of wisdom from it here would be very helpful.
  12. B

    ??The Honesty Thread?? Dual Residency, Tax Treaties, Driving Licenses, Boat Taxes, Health Cover & Other Implications Of Life In 2021 & Beyond

    As a participant in the case of the definition of an EU Citizen, I can say that the official response to argument thus far has been that the EU does not have 'citizens'. It has Member States. The citizens of the Member States are loosely referred to as EU Citizens. Much discussion/argument...
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    Lockdown in Portugal

    *apols for being late to the party on your engine issues, just seen a thread about it. Seems like everything that can/could is/has been done!
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    Lockdown in Portugal

    Have you/could you put out a call to any stragglers heading to the ARC with a mechanic on-board who might be able to stop by?
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    Lockdown in Portugal

    Hope things work out for you - fingers crossed.