Lockdown in Portugal


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19 Dec 2016
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So... if locked down on a boat in Portugal I presume there is nothing to stop you leaving for the Canaries?

- W

Not for now, they have started requesting proof of a negative covid test for airline passengers in the last week, but no sign of restrictions for incoming boats so far. Customs took two weeks before they showed up to check my papers in the anchorage at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

You could also head for Madeira/Porto Santo: Unless you have proof of a negative test within 72 hours? of leaving, you will need to stay on the boat until they give you a (free) Covid test, but all up shouldn't take more than 24-48 hours (unless you arrive on a Friday!!)


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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So far as I know, nobody has been stopped from leaving; it’s the arriving bit where the problems can start.

Leaving during a lockdown will most likely be an offence (civil disobedience) under the travel rules and has the problem that nowhere else will let boats in if they're also locked down. Yards and marinas weren't allowed to launch boatsthe last time so may be a problem leaving if the boat is on the hard.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Leaving during a lockdown will most likely be an offence (civil disobedience) under the travel rules and has the problem that nowhere else will let boats in if they're also locked down. Yards and marinas weren't allowed to launch boatsthe last time so may be a problem leaving if the boat is on the hard.

Last time round boats left here on the clear understanding they were departing Portuguese Waters.

The crews of some boats arriving were held on board until the lifting of the lock down. Well beyond the standard 2 week quarantine.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Last time round boats left here on the clear understanding they were departing Portuguese Waters.
The crews of some boats arriving were held on board until the lifting of the lock down. Well beyond the standard 2 week quarantine.

A couple of boats had problems by moving within coastal waters without permission. Cascais where Webby is at the moment is locked down and so is the usual next port of call heading south, Sines. We'll just have to wait and see what happens, no telling what restrictions are suddenly going to be imposed as virus hotspots develop throughout Atlantic Europe and maybe Madeira and Canaries.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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A couple of boats had problems by moving within coastal waters without permission. Cascais where Webby is at the moment is locked down and so is the usual next port of call heading south, Sines. We'll just have to wait and see what happens, no telling what restrictions are suddenly going to be imposed as virus hotspots develop throughout Atlantic Europe and maybe Madeira and Canaries.

True but last lockdown there was a series of refuge ports for boats in transit. The system was published in Noonsite.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Special Procedures Being Introduced in Ports of Entry Worldwide | Noonsite

These ports were equipped to isolate visitors so boats in transit could call in at these ports for rest an replenishment.

Lagos Is one of them.

However as Webbie has yet to have a functioning engine this is still all a bit academic.
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18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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During last lockdown in Nazare arriving boats met by police. Crew isolated on board. Allowed to refuel and water. Police did shopping for boat and handed it over in plastic bags.

Currently only 3 municipalities near Nazare in lockdown after this Tuesday but last weekend Nazare had lots of visitors so I'm staying with friends until next weekend and monitoring any Nazare outbreaks.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
I am assuming that as we have been here for a month we will not be quarantined on the boat at least . . .

Thinking we might have to leave Portuguese waters if/when we leave, as sailing from here to Lagos might be frowned on, but as with so many things Portuguese I suspect there will be no definitive/comprehensible ruling anywhere.

Hoping the Canaries stay lockdown-free.

Also thinking of wandering up to the Citizen Shop tomorrow to see if I can get residency . . . what have I got to lose?

Damned inconvenient time to have no engine, other boats will be heading South today or tomorrow I suspect.

- W


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15 Aug 2006
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I am assuming that as we have been here for a month we will not be quarantined on the boat at least . . .

Thinking we might have to leave Portuguese waters if/when we leave, as sailing from here to Lagos might be frowned on, but as with so many things Portuguese I suspect there will be no definitive/comprehensible ruling anywhere.

Hoping the Canaries stay lockdown-free.

Also thinking of wandering up to the Citizen Shop tomorrow to see if I can get residency . . . what have I got to lose?

Damned inconvenient time to have no engine, other boats will be heading South today or tomorrow I suspect.

- W
Have you/could you put out a call to any stragglers heading to the ARC with a mechanic on-board who might be able to stop by?


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15 Aug 2006
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Have you/could you put out a call to any stragglers heading to the ARC with a mechanic on-board who might be able to stop by?
*apols for being late to the party on your engine issues, just seen a thread about it. Seems like everything that can/could is/has been done!


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I am assuming that as we have been here for a month we will not be quarantined on the boat at least . . .

Thinking we might have to leave Portuguese waters if/when we leave, as sailing from here to Lagos might be frowned on, but as with so many things Portuguese I suspect there will be no definitive/comprehensible ruling anywhere.

Hoping the Canaries stay lockdown-free.

Also thinking of wandering up to the Citizen Shop tomorrow to see if I can get residency . . . what have I got to lose?

Damned inconvenient time to have no engine, other boats will be heading South today or tomorrow I suspect.

- W

If you are thinking of doing Cascais to Lagos in one hop, suggest you email/phone the director of Marina de Lagos for advice and help.

From experience they will speak with SEF on your behalf and possibly get clearance for you to stop over in Lagos before heading further south.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
If you are thinking of doing Cascais to Lagos in one hop, suggest you email/phone the director of Marina de Lagos for advice and help.

From experience they will speak with SEF on your behalf and possibly get clearance for you to stop over in Lagos before heading further south.

Thanks for this Nortada. Good advice. Asking nicely is in my experience often a better policy than railing pointlessly against bureaucracy.

The engine is being despatched today (allegedly). I don't think we are going to be ready to leave in less than two weeks, so we will have to wait and see what the situation is then.


Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
Hopefully somewhere warm
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Does anyone know when the new lockdown in the 121 municipalities officially starts?

Is it midnight tomorrow (Wednesday)?

- W
Think it's midnight tonight >
Communiqué of the extraordinary Council of Ministers of 31 October 2020

1,The Council of Ministers approved today the resolution renewing the calamity situation throughout mainland Portugal, from 00h00 on 4 November 2020 until 23h59 on 15 November 2020, and, in view of the epidemiological situation in Portugal, extends to other municipalities the special measures that had been established for the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira, with some additional changes.

Emergency Legislation | Safe Communities Portugal