Your wake can cause severe damage

Sans Bateau

Well-known member
19 Jan 2004
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May I join the others in offering you best wishes to a speedy recovery.

It is unlikely that anyone who behaves in this way reads these forums. I have said this before, the forums tend to be frequented by those with a genuine interest in boats and sailing yachts, those who respect each others views and right to use the water. Notwithstanding the usual 'banter'!

The bad behaviour we see exhibited by both stink pots and raggies is as a result of miss informed ignorant people who happen to use a boat for their weekend 'enjoyment' with no thought to anyone else.

As someone who frequently anchors in Chichester harbour, those who cause most offence with their wash, is not the larger cruising power boat, its the little day boats, often used from fishing, that speed back up the harbour late in the evening, just about the time the apperatifs get on the table, just after the harbour patrol has gone back to Itchenor!