Over in "Yachting Monthly's Scuttlebutt" there's an anti yatch racing thread. It would appear that the raggies having run out of motor boats to vent their spleens at are now cannibalising each other...
That's all and related to sailing matters not what F.Christmas is bringing you or what colour the hair of your token female poster happens to be today.
"Healthy Debate" is it?? Seems a bit more of a slanging match to me also I've always been led to believe Yotties interpret the rules to suit themselves and when a Yottie says (and I quote) "the main problem is the different interpretation of the rules by racing and cruising boats" it just goes to prove the point.
But BTW, if this forum is so boring/irrelevant/not boaty enough why do we mutterbutters have the undoubted pleasure of your/KCA and zefender contributing so much erudition here?
Pleased to see it anyway, perhaps it's because there's less vitriol and more humour/booze/useful information/( fill in whatever appeals) here.
This being friday, I thought you'd be off with your new found friends in the ladies circle ruminating over the benefits of sun-dried tomatoes as opposed to the peeled plum variety and that it would be safe to be disrespectful.
Should have known better really, a thousand pardons and may the dung of a thousand constipated camels be released upon me.
Have the pleasantest of weekends - I'm dinghy sailing on sunday and am desperately trying to fit an elasticate gusset in my dry suit as I appear to have expanded a little since last I was in it. Must be all this sitting here forum-posting - actually, I do think my fingers have gone a bit slimmer, shame about the nails though.
Claymore, I'm just back from the dentist full of novacaine and the pummelling of a huge bill but still in pain so not am a challenging adversary at the moment. Sorry about your fingers getting thinner, must be a setback to your love life and just to clear up a few things - I don't do canned tomatoes, flower arranging or jam making, but other than that I do admit to be a girly xxxx ;-)
Fingers not as big a problem as when I broke my wrist.
Reference to menus etc is from your post about last Friday night ashore.
Hope the toothache vanishes as the novocaine wears off. Rubbing rum on the gum is always an alternative.
John S
Well, it nice to know that there is so much more to sailing than motoring - a wide spectrum of experience enjoyed and discussed by all - not just standing on a "fly" bridge in a t shirt several sizes too small with everything wobbling from the vibration of two enormous polluters rumbling away below;-)
So it now appears that rag 'n stickers not only hate motorboats, fishermen, lobsterpotters, pwc's and ferries, but also each other.
No doubt when asked by their shore based friends (if they have any) as to the attraction of sailing, they no doubt say "for the cameraderie". And they wonder why most of their wives don't want to go sailing with them.
Aren't we getting to a stage where we could lobby Brussels to ban sailing boats? There must be some mileage in lobbying to get rid of them. At least then we'd have some space in marinas for proper boats.
Who they hate the most, powerboats or racing sailboats. Opinion seems to be divided but they never seem to be happy unless they are moaning about someone.
Perhaps thay are all secretly jealous of boats that go faster than 4 knots.
Aha! Me thinks this calls for a phyciatric profile to be carried out, lets face it they dont know wether they are coming or going, or reaching or beating! so to speak! Not only do they slag stinkboaters they also turn on themselves. Glad I know which side of the fence I am
Which part of the profile is "phyciatric"? Is it limited to stinkies? And why does it have to be carried out - can't it walk?? - sorry - just the musings of a simple sailor