email chris at Yachtfractions. He was able to give me a lot of helpful unbiased advice without obligation. I think the Yacht Fractions website has printable page of pros and cons, but basically buying into a well established syndicate has more potential for problems than starting with a new syndicate. Chris also gave lots of info on the legalities, some aspects of which wouldn't have occurred to me.No,I don't have any connection with the company, but eventually, thanks to his advice,independently bought a yacht with three colleagues which has worked very well as we form a good team, and also try to sail together at least once a year. We basically used the RYA form of contract with some modifications based on his advice which he gave freely even though we were not using his company. Good luck. Hope yours goes as well as ours.
Be very careful who your partners are and check if your prioritys are the same. in our group they are prepared to spend £460 on a wind instrument the existing one read about 12degrees to port constant. But not spend any money on a secondry anchor to go on extended cruising in the Aegean
Be very careful who your partners are and check if your prioritys are the same. in our group they are prepared to spend £460 on a wind instrument the existing one read about 12degrees to port constant. But not spend any money on a secondry anchor to go on extended cruising in the Aegean bobt
I would look at the terms conditions and costs of getting out of the syndicate should your circumstances change. eg you may relocate to anotherpart of the country. Other questions include how often/long can you use it for you and your friends? etc etc etc