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Back in 2017, I installed a new 2-blade folding propeller, on the original Volvo Penta 2003engine which worked seamlessly until I got a new engine last year. The new engine is a Volvo D1-30, and performs smoothly up until about 1500 RPM, achieving a boat speed of 6 knots, very quickly. However, any throttle increase beyond this point causes a significant rise in noise and vibration. When the engine reaches 2200 RPM, despite the speed only slightly increasing to about 6.5 or 7 knots, the noise and vibration levels become intense. I can go up to 3000rpm in neutral( rated RPM is 3200)These vibrations have been so pronounced that I've had to repeatedly retighten the gearbox bolts, with some even working their way loose.Given these symptoms, I suspect that the current propeller may be too large or the pitch too high, creating excessive drag. Flexofold has suggested switching from a 17"x12" to a 16"x12" propeller. Do you think this reduction of one inch in diameter would make a material difference?To add to the complexity, the engine required some realignment during its last service. I'm trying to discern if the misalignment was causing the vibrations or if it's a consequence of the propeller not being quite right.Really it boils down to, do I get the realignment done, and put the boat back in the water and see how it goes, or get the realignment done and replace the propeller blades now.