Wont Do Cant Do Wanadoo!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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About six months ago, we got broadband. I never thort we could get it, the local BT man did not believe it, but Wanadoo said O yes you can. So we got it and as it happened, a new confuser. So between me and the expert computer man, we connected it. But did it work, no. So rang Wanadoo, press this button, music etc. Oh, you got a fax machine, well that’s no good….Sky Arrggg, get rid of that, uninstall broadband, reload it.
But can I just have an engineer please. No!! Rang BT. Oh you must deal with Wanadoo. So over six months the broadband worked on and off. Crawling about under desks, unplugging faxes and phones, plugging them in again, countless phone calls to Wanadoo. Loads of help from Col on here.

So last week we finally got a BT engineer to look at the problem. He said he was amazed it worked at all!! Well it sort of worked for another day or two, then stopped never to reappear. So rang Wanadoo seven times yesterday.

Can we go back on dial up and cancel broadband, BT says it’s knackered and they cant mend it, too far from exchange!

But you have to have it. One bod said. You have a years contract, that you cant get out of!!!

Seven times I was told that broadband could not cancel and reconnect dial up, they kept putting me through to dial up dept, who course said that they could not deal with broadband customers!
It transpired in the end, that whilst the upgrade departments are open all weekend, downgrade dept is hardly open at all!!

So today I disconnected the broad band and went back to dial up. All by my self.

So why could all those muppets not just say. Disconnect the f-ing broadband, your dial up thingy is still connected and we’ll sort it all out on Monday!!


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16 Jan 2004
Me : Perth
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A year or two back we got a cable upgrade from just tv on cable. Now, for about £70 per month we get 100 chan tv, tel line, free calls local, regional and national apart from non geos and mobiles, 24hour 1 meg broadband. Saved me loads in phone calls and dial up fees/costs. If you get blueyonder in your area, take a close look at their packages, and by the way, it is totally fault free.


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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
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Before you blame the French for all your problems. I think I recall a post many years ( months) ago which detailed your telephone setup.

As I recall it was at that time that we all realised that the H in HLB stood for 'Heath' as in Robinson.

So have you found anyone who understands your setup? No ? Then why am I surprised !


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31 Oct 2001
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I found that the service from the bods on the phone was much better when it was Freeperve. I too asked if I could have broadband. I can but it wouldn't work on my phone line.


Well-known member
30 Apr 2004
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Couldn't resist but don't want to be flamed:-

If you went to a decent supplier like Eclipse, they do the checking for you - and give a 1Meg (limited) service for £15 a month. As you're getting abusive you can jolly well key in the URL y'sell www.eclipse.co.uk as punishment for being boot faced.

Eclipse can also do a 250K service for "the hard of hearing" - signalwise. Dial them up and submit a request electronically, pretending you're not already supplied and see what they come back with..

(Mark you they're choosy about what sort of Pillock they take on...)

I assume you've gone through the rigmarole about
(a) DSL filters
(b) Too many devices on your line. If you've got a poor signal even 3 may be too many...

I'll probably regret all this later.


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11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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It doesn't matter who you go to, if you are too far from the exchange, as the signal is just not up to it. That's probably why Haydn was told by BT it wouldn't work. Some houses are borderline, so the checking software that BT (and Wanadoo) use, will give result that says, it might be ok but an engineer will come out and set it up, and it might or might not work.


Well-known member
30 Apr 2004
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H'ok, so:-

Pretty please, Haydn tell us (or me via PM) how far you are from your exchange - in they new fangled kilometeries just for my technological interests, you understand..


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21 Jan 2003
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If Wanna wotsit is anything like NTL, then you will find that the "retentions" (cancellation) dept is open far less hours than the rest of the business, despite all the babble you will be given / told they are only allowed to disconnect so many customers per month, for KPI reasons, and cash flow etc etc. Company policy FACT.However OFCOM take a dim view of this but too few peeps go that far with their complaints, so they can get away with it and have the ball face to charge for months on end until they decide they will disconnect!!!

Some may find this site useful to gauge services in their locale www.digitalspy.co.uk