I know a place where they can be supplied in concentrate form but you need 90% hot air to get them running and the other 10% is rubber /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
My son (aged 7) was doing Roman Numerals for his homework last night. He had to construct sentences saying things like "My dad is XXIX years old" (OK - so I lied).
I was delighted to see that one of his (unprompted) sentences was "My mum nagged me XXXV times to do my homework".
Dat's mah boy!
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
Ah yes .. but when it all gets a bit too much just boild them down,put 'em back in the tin and stick 'em back in the cupboard next to MIL. Need a bloody big tin for PaulineB though!