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Re: The upper end of boat market ....
It is just not true that most big boats are tax write-offs etc. Big boats will be hit hard by any large fuel price hike.
Never the less, I agree with your conclusion that the real pain will be felt by the average Joe Bloggs boater, who happens to be the base of the boating industry upon which the structure is built. I believe many will be forced out of boating. These people struggle and sacrifice to ensure that they can keep their boats a fact that is not well understood by those non-boaters who choose to spend their money elsewhere,
Of course it is absurd that the cruise liner holiday maker, the day out for a fishing trip fisherman, the trips round the bay to see the seals passenger etc will all still be using red diesel ….. as would commercial boats transporting all the DVD players from the Far East ….. so if you choose to use boats indirectly for pleasure then you are protected from such a price hike plan but if you choose to enjoy are boat directly yourself then you are subject to it!
In other words if you use your boat to give someone else pleasure that is OK and red is the order of the day … if you use someone else’s boat to enjoy yourself that’s OK but if you use your own boat to enjoy yourself – you get hit!!! So the argument that pleasure use should be taxed is absurd.
It is just not true that most big boats are tax write-offs etc. Big boats will be hit hard by any large fuel price hike.
Never the less, I agree with your conclusion that the real pain will be felt by the average Joe Bloggs boater, who happens to be the base of the boating industry upon which the structure is built. I believe many will be forced out of boating. These people struggle and sacrifice to ensure that they can keep their boats a fact that is not well understood by those non-boaters who choose to spend their money elsewhere,
Of course it is absurd that the cruise liner holiday maker, the day out for a fishing trip fisherman, the trips round the bay to see the seals passenger etc will all still be using red diesel ….. as would commercial boats transporting all the DVD players from the Far East ….. so if you choose to use boats indirectly for pleasure then you are protected from such a price hike plan but if you choose to enjoy are boat directly yourself then you are subject to it!
In other words if you use your boat to give someone else pleasure that is OK and red is the order of the day … if you use someone else’s boat to enjoy yourself that’s OK but if you use your own boat to enjoy yourself – you get hit!!! So the argument that pleasure use should be taxed is absurd.