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ukmctc - you sound like a really well-travelled person with a balanced view on the world. As you say, computers and the internet are available everywhere. Of course they are, how silly of me to presume that the thousands of refugees we spotted stuck outside Port Sudan, for example, can't get off their asses, earn some money, buy themsevels a computer and take part in this discussion. It's funny you should mention this subject because I was only discussing this the other day with one of my displaced Somali friends who's so starving he left his son by the road-side to die because he didn't have the energy to carry him to the next camp. He was telling me how he was saving up to buy a Moody 425 but had an issue with the increased mooring fees in Southampton.
Get real.
You have missed the entire question, don't you read the thread before putting your 2p in.
Yep, I'm as real as it gets. I don't actually care if a man in Port Sudan has problems.
You care that much, send all your wages over to him and support his family, buy him that yacht.
I remember being in India when some parents actually sell their kids, break the bones of children so they look bad for tourists and get better money for begging.
Oh yea in Asia they give kids up for prostitution, earns good money for the family, Russia, they use them in child porn....and so on.
Africa, all of the above and more, been going on for 100's of years, but we have TV now so the bleeding hearts can see what they have ignored for years, the guilt can flood out, they can now blame us in the west for getting on with our lives and working to make it better for our families.
I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, I work hard and pay for my family and me tobe as comfortable and as happy as possible were I am. Occassionally I put some cash in a charity box, but who is kidding who, the majority of that money goes to the CEO's and admin not to the people who need it.
I'd rather put money to an animal charity and save the whale or tiger.
Remember charity begins at home and in this day and age ends there too.