Who's theory is it that.....

16 May 2001
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Who\'s theory is it that.....

.. goes something like - We all eventually climb up the ladder of advancement to just one rung higher than that to which our talents ideally suit us? if you understand what I mean.

Now for starters let me say that I wouldn't consider the editorship of PBO as the best job in yachting journalism. That mag is OK if you want to know how to make a water alarm out of a smoke detector or some polythene sails for a make-shift down wind rig on an inflatable. Why then did Sarah Norbury "volunteer?" to leave YM and go to the maritime equivalent of "The Plue Peter (two yogurt cartons and some sticky back plastic) Handbook"?

OK SOME see YM rather harshly as "The Parish Magazine of the Solent" (not me I hasten to add - far from it) but I would have thought her talents were ideally suited to this splendid (up to now) "never to be missed" publication.

The last year or so's editions have in my view been some of the best ever, giving a good balance between boat tests I was actually interested in, Crew & skipper experiences, education and up to date and accurate information. She had reached (Again IMO) the zenith in quality yachting jopurnalism. She was never, it seemed, unwilling to get wet herself out there in a blow and her editorials were always a good read - in fact (sorry JJ) I would say that they were the best since at least as far back as JDS!

The mag was going great guns and now (someone) has gone and spoiled it.

Dare we ask why?

If Ms Norbury genuinely thinks she has gone for advancement, well I hope she's right. If she was pushed then I think that we, the customers, should be told - by whom?

Steev Cronin

IPC Readers United Front


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: The Peter Principle

PBO ABC circulation 50,773 - down 1.7% against last year
YM circulation 38,070 - up 1.5% against last year.

So she's going to a sister mag that's a lot bigger.


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13 Jul 2001
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Uphill struggle

I guess she must like a challenge. YM is a great mag. PBO is frightful, totally unfocussed, and a mess graphically.

I subscribe to YM and ST, and occasionally buy PBO at the station or airport. I'm glad I don't subscribe.

<font color=red>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
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19 Dec 2001
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Rumour has it ...

that Steve101 is the new YM editor and his recent foray into the forae was an attempt at market research. Wonder how the editorial strategy is developing!

16 May 2001
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.. I would have thought that you would be typical of most people in your choice.

How then do they get the readership figures they quote?

Svete cronin


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28 Feb 2002
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Hi Steev .... PBO and YM

PBO and YM overlap. Both have got a very small readership in global terms. If you really want a crap magazine with a really big readership the go buy Cruising World.

My rating of PBO and YM on a score of 10, are (over the past few years) :- PBO a rating of 7/10 and YM a rating of 4/10 .... IMO, YM has gone downhill. As has PBO. I don't think that a change in editorship will change anything. It's my belief that the Chief Editors of magazines are now number counters in suits who no more know a wave from a wind unless it's a cash rich fart.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Yes..

I guess that much of the answer lies in the subscription versus impulse buy figures. If someone's dreaming or even thinking of going boating, I guess that they would buy "Practical Boat Owner" as an intro. It sounds less intimidating to a first timer. Don't know if those readers could make up all those figures though.
16 May 2001
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While we\'re on statistics:-

Yachting Monthly:-

Newstrade and Other Single Copy Sales 25523

Single Copies Sold on Subscription 12252

Controlled Free Circulation 127

Non-Controlled Free Circulation 152

Multiple Copy/Sponsored Subscription Sales 16

Total Average Net Sale Per Issue 38070

Number of Effective Issues in Period 12

At Basic Cover Price/Normal Trade Terms 25427

Below BCP/NTT but not < 50% 74

Less than 50% of BCP/NTT but not < 20% 22

Non-requested by name 127

By name 150

Not by name 2

At Basic Annual Rate 311

Below BAR but not < 50% 11851

Less than 50% BAR but not < 20% 38

Less than 10% BAR 52

At Basic Annual Rate 14

Below BAR but not < 50% 2

Basic Cover Price £3.20

Practical Boat Owner:-

Newstrade and Other Single Copy Sales 25523

Single Copies Sold on Subscription 12252

Controlled Free Circulation 127

Non-Controlled Free Circulation 152

Multiple Copy/Sponsored Subscription Sales 16

Total Average Net Sale Per Issue 38070

Number of Effective Issues in Period 12

At Basic Cover Price/Normal Trade Terms 25427

Below BCP/NTT but not < 50% 74

Less than 50% of BCP/NTT but not < 20% 22

Non-requested by name 127

By name 150

Not by name 2

At Basic Annual Rate 311

Below BAR but not < 50% 11851

Less than 50% BAR but not < 20% 38

Less than 10% BAR 52

At Basic Annual Rate 14

Below BAR but not < 50% 2

Basic Cover Price £3.20

Amateur Gardener

Newstrade and Other Single Copy Sales 55078

Single Copies Sold on Subscription 10770

Controlled Free Circulation 173

Non-Controlled Free Circulation 286

Multiple Copy/Sponsored Subscription Sales 5

Total Average Net Sale Per Issue 66312

Number of Effective Issues in Period 26

At Basic Cover Price/Normal Trade Terms 53879

Below BCP/NTT but not < 50% 207

Less than 50% of BCP/NTT but not < 20% 992

Non-requested by name 170

Non-requested by job title/function 3

By name 286

At Basic Annual Rate 2355

Below BAR but not < 50% 8347

Less than 50% BAR but not < 20% 38

Less than 20% BAR but not < 10% 14

Less than 10% BAR 16

At Basic Annual Rate 3

Below BAR but not < 50% 2

Basic Cover Price £1.30

Source "Media Week"

Veets Cronin
16 May 2001
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Sorry Nigel, disagree....

I believe that YM just about hits the target with today's yachtsman/woman.

My original posting was saying was that what had just recently become a good read might be in jeopardy in the future and that I congratulated saraH Norbury for quietly improving the mag in recent months. However I do realise that this statement puts an outrageous slur on the present (albiet temporary) incumbent

etevS Cronin

see my boring stats above


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13 Jul 2001
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I can't support the impulse buy theory. The cover of a PBO is totally unappealing.
Look at the classifieds, and you can see what its readership is. The typical boat for sale is about £12k.

I reckon the Centaur is the classic PBO machine. Not that there's anything wrong in that, I hasten to say, before I get deluged in hatred. I simply mean something from the 70's. And given the longevity of boats, there are more boats out there built between 1970 to 1990, than since then. They need more tlc, they appeal to the DIY-er. Hence the popularity of PBO.

<font color=red>Jeremy Flynn/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
Dawn Chorus</font color=red>


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20 Apr 2002
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Re: While we\'re on statistics:-

Thats interesting, both YM and PBO have identical circulation.

Or am I reading something totally wrong.



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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Hi Steev .... PBO and YM

<font color=red>"It's my belief that the Chief Editors of magazines are now number counters in suits who no more know a wave from a wind unless it's a cash rich fart."</font color=red>

Not fair Nige, really not fair. Sailing editors these days may have to work harder than the much (and quite rightly) respected gentlemen editors of yore who would often manage to organise their lives to get a sail in in the evening, let alone the weekends. But I don't know of one here who deserves your number counter soubriquet.

Business has changed but there are plenty of people here who are motivated not by long train journeys into work, nor by 23rd floor vistas, nor by corporate structures but by a love of boating. Why do you think so many of the staff stay so long?



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1 Oct 2001
Re: Hi Steev .... PBO and YM

No matter how many times I peruse my mags (and I buy them all) I always find more to read than I can digest. This says alot about the effort that goes into producing them so I support your views about the team effort involved.

Apart from 'new' news and product reviews there is only so much that can be written about. Readers either accept this or not and no one forces anyone to buy any of them.

Keep up the good work.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Hi Steev .... PBO and YM

Kim - I think the gist of this thread was that the message saying Sarah had departed was a little light on information as to why. Probably most of us would want to know why - its a form of complement really.


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30 Sep 2002
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Re: Who\'s theory is it that.....

He phrased it as 'each person rises to their level of incompetence within an organisation'.

The prescribed treatment was, if I recall correctly, to promote sideways into a job with a longer title that had less impact within the organisation, and therby free up the promotion channels for more able people.

Of couse, since then he's advocating 'chaotic' management (I graduated summa cum laude at that when I left the cradle) - but there have been rather fewer takers of his new philosophy due to the courage and commitment required.

For all the oddball ides I did once here him speak at university - he was quite inspirational, even if you didnt quite believe what he was saying...